IEEE 802.11TM   TGmb Technical Letter Ballot 149 Instructions




These instructions apply for IEEE 802.11 Letter Ballot 149 (LB149) which is a Technical ballot asking the question "Should TGmb Draft 1.0 be forwarded to Sponsor Ballot?".


Important notes:

  • This is a 40-day Technical letter ballot and the voter’s pool for this ballot is all IEEE 802.11 voters as of the start of this letter ballot.
    All current voting members of 802.11 are required to vote on this ballot.

  • If you cast a "Do not approve" vote on this ballot, it must be accompanied by comments for your vote to be valid.

  • You must follow the instructions below to vote.  Do not send an email to vote.  Voting by any method other than the web-based process described below will invalidate your vote.

  • Failure to follow these instructions will result in your vote being discarded as an invalid vote.

  • Not voting on letter ballots or sending an invalid vote can affect your voting privileges.


This ballot opens on: Mon May 18, 2009 at 23:59 Eastern Time USA and closes 40 days later on Sat Jun 27, 2009 at 23:59 Eastern Time USA.  (Add reminder to calendar).



Motion:  Should TGmb Draft 1.0 be forwarded to Sponsor Ballot?


Type of Motion: Technical


To Obtain the draft and the supporting documentation: 




Draft Draft P802.11REVmb_D1.0.pdf
Redlined Doc n/a



Pool LB149 Voters
CA Document n/a


The draft is password protected in accordance with IEEE 802 Policies and Procedures. To obtain the draft, use the username and the password supplied to voting members for the 802.11 WG private area.




Cast Your Vote Here  and follow the instructions below:


You will see the following web page.


Note:  All fields, except for the FAX field, are required  in order for your vote to be valid.



Please fill out the balloter information that is requested.





  Balloter ID

This is the unique and secret number that the 802.11 WG Vice Chair has sent you.  If you have lost this number,  email the WG Vice Chair for it.

Do not use your old badge number.

Do not use your new badge number.



Fill in your complete name



Enter the email address you would like the ballot response sent to



Enter where you can be contacted (if needed)



Not required



Click on the drop down box and select from of the following:
Approve (no comments)
Approve (with comments)
Do Not Approve (with comments)
Abstain due to lack of technical expertise



Enter your Affiliation



Once the information above is completed, Click the “Submit Button” to   enter your vote







You will also receive a confirmation web page for your vote.

If you are submitting comments, click on the “Submit Comments” button.






(Click here if you have navigated away from the confirmation page and need to submit a comment.)


This will take you to the page similar to that shown on the right.


1. Select the second option ("File Upload").






For your comments to be valid, you must use the file upload option (described here), combined with the official comment form (described below). (** See note to right.)



2. Click on “Continue to the Submit Comments Area”.




** Why does this rule exist? Using any other means of conveying comments (such as one of the other 3 options, or a direct email to the chair) doesn't guarantee that all the necessary information has been collected.  It may also require excessive manual cut and paste operations to get the comments into the consolidated spreadsheet of comments.



This takes you to the page shown on the right.


3. Browse and select your completed comments file.


It is not necessary to put anything in the file description or accompanying explanation boxes.


Make sure you are familiar with and follow the instructions in "Completing the comment form" below before uploading your comments.


4. Enter values in these boxes:
your Balloter ID (your badge number),


Email address,

Phone number,

Fax (optional), and


Comment type - select "Technical" if any technical comments are included or "Editorial" otherwise.



5. Select "Upload file now"





Email Confirmation:

You will automatically receive an email confirmation of your vote.


(Message sent via IEEE Standards webmail)


Here is a courtesy copy of a ballot for IEEE 802.11 k Letter Ballot 86 just submitted:


# Ballot/Comment Data for 0000001 (IEEE 802.11 k Letter Ballot 86) # Submitted

Tue Aug  8 21:47:29 EDT 2006 # Type: ballot # Record Number: 112


ballot_code = 0000001

form_type = ballot

balloter_id = 112

name = John Doe

email =

phone = 555-555-5555

fax =

org = XYZ

vote = Approve, no comments (Y)


(End of IEEE Standards webmail message)


Completing the Comment Form

Should you wish to submit comments, please use the following instructions:

Form The official comment form for Letter Ballot 149 must be used.  The comment form is available here.
Names In the header of comment response form, please fill in your name in the <First Name>, <Last Name> fields.  Do not use your initials or anything else. And don't include the angled brackets around your name.
Clause Column This is the section number of the draft that your comment applies to - e.g. 2.1 or 4.2.3.  If you have a comment that applies to the entire document put "General" in the section field. Don’t put “all”, “many”, “various” or any other word you may personally fancy. If the field contains anything other that a clause number or “General”, the comment will be discarded and your vote possibly invalidated.  If your comment relates to a table/figure, place the clause in which the table/figure resides in this column and put a reference to the table/figure at the start of the comment.  Put only the clause number and not the words, e.g. “clause”.

Page No. / Line No." Column If you choose to include a page / line number reference in your comments, please do so by entering it in these columns. Do not put this info in the clause number field. The rational is that the page/line numbers are valid only for the balloted draft version.  Clause numbers are more likely to still be correct in later versions.

"Comment Type (E or T)" Column Please use an E or T only to indicate a technical or an editorial comment. Please use upper case only so things sort right when we get all done.  Incorrectly categorized comments will be re-categorized by the Task Group chair.
"Part of No vote” Column If you say "no" in this column, we will feel free to skip that comment in terms of formally satisfying a "NO" vote. For any comment that is not part of your “NO” vote, mark it as "not part of a no vote" by entering “N” in the column. Any voter that votes “NO” should have at least one comment marked “yes” as part support for their “NO” vote.  Any voter that votes “YES” should not have any comments marked “Y” in this column.
"Comment / Explanation" and "Recommended Change" columns These are pretty self explanatory. If you do not recommend a change the comment may be skipped as you have not asked the group to do anything. Please keep the explanation of the comment separate from what you want done as a result of your reasoning. The voting group is too large for the task group to be interpreting what you are requesting.   Please remember that the operating rules state that all “No” votes MUST be accompanied by comments which include specific reasons and enough information for the group to understand what you desire in order to change your “no” to a “yes”. Simply saying “not good enough” is insufficient as the task group cannot reasonably be expected to understand what would satisfy the commenter and so invalidation of the vote is justifiable.




Bruce Kraemer

IEEE 802.11 Working Group Chair





Adrian Stephens

IEEE 802.11 Working Group Vice Chair / Balloting Coordinator





Matthew Gast

IEEE 802.11 TGmb Chair





Mon May 18, 2009