IEEE 802.11TM TGaf Technical Letter Ballot 189 Instructions |
These instructions apply for IEEE 802.11 Letter Ballot 189 (LB189) which is a Technical ballot asking the question "Should TGaf D2.0 be forwarded to Sponsor Ballot?". Important notes:
Motion: " Should TGaf D2.0 be forwarded to Sponsor Ballot? "
Type of Motion: Technical
The draft is password protected in accordance with IEEE 802 Policies and Procedures. To obtain the draft, use the username and the password supplied to active members for the 802.11 WG private area. |
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Step 1 Voting |
Click on the green button above.
When prompted, Enter your IEEE web account credentials. You won't be prompted if you have already logged in to mentor, e.g., to access the 802.11 documents. You should see a voting screen. Enter your affiliation from the drop-down list and select one of the available votes. Press OK. You will not receive any confirmation email. If you wish to check that your vote has been recorded: re-enter the voting page by pressing the green button above. You should see that the radio buttons now reflect the state of your current vote. You can press the green button at any time during the ballot to check or change your vote. See: ePoll User Guide 5.1 Note on voting "Abstain". When voting abstain, you are required to declare the reason for abstaining. You can indicate a reason by entering a ballot comment containing: "Reason for abstain: <your reason here>". If you do not indicate a reason, a implicit declaration of "lack of technical expertise" is assumed. Note that abstaining for any reason that is not "lack of technical expertise" is treated as a valid return for the purposes of calculating the return ratio, but does not go towards maintaining voting membership of 802.11 -- i.e., repeated abstains that are not due to lack of technical expertise might result in loss of voting membership. |
Step 2 Commenting |
Once you
have voted, the links "Add comment" and "Upload
comments" will appear on the voting screen.
These links do not appear until you have recorded a vote. You can re-enter the voting screen as often as you like by pressing big green button above in order to enter comments. If you wish to enter comments, please vote either approve or disapprove. See ePoll User Guide 5.2 |
Single Comments |
the "Add comment" link from the voting screen. Enter values for the fields (see table below for help on what to put in these fields). Then press "OK". |
Multiple comments |
upload multiple comments press the "Upload comments"
link from the voting screen.
There are two formats that you can use for the upload file: .xls
or .csv. The "upload comments" page provides links to template files in .csv and .xls formats. The .xls template includes some field validations. If this doesn't work with your spreadsheet program, use the .csv format. Fill in your comments. Then browse to the file and press the OK button. The system will not let you upload comments that do not meet the requirements described below in "Comments". See ePoll User Guide 5.3 |
Comments | |
Should you wish to submit comments, the following instructions indicate how to fill in the fields of the comment. | |
Comment | Describe the problem here. |
Category |
one of: Technical, Editorial or General. If you are filling in a comment spreadsheet, be sure to use the full word spelled out as above. If you don't exactly match one of these three terms, the system will not let you upload your spreadsheet. |
Page Number | If you choose to include a page / line number reference in your comments, please do so by entering a non-negative integer in these columns (or roman numeral page number). In recirculation ballots make sure you quote the numbering from the clean draft, not the redline draft, as they will be different. |
Line Number | |
Subclause | Include there the number of the heading that your comment applies to (e.g. 5, 2.1, 4.2.3., C, C.3, 8.2a.4b). If you have a comment that applies to the entire document put "General" in the section field. Don't put "all", "many", "various" or any other word you may personally fancy. If the field contains anything other that a (sub)clause number or "General", the comment may be discarded and your vote possibly invalidated. If your comment relates to a table/figure, place the clause in which the table/figure resides in this column and put a reference to the table/figure at the start of the comment. Put only the clause number and not any words such as "clause" or "annex". |
Proposed Change |
If you do not recommend a change
the comment may be skipped as you have not asked the
group to do anything. Please keep the explanation of the comment separate from what you want done as a result of your reasoning. The voting group is too large for the task group to be interpreting what you are requesting. Please remember that the operating rules state that all "No" votes MUST be accompanied by comments which include specific reasons and enough information for the group to understand what you desire in order to change your "no" to a "yes". Simply saying "not good enough" is insufficient as the task group cannot reasonably be expected to understand what would satisfy the commenter and so invalidation of the vote is justifiable. |
Must Be Satisfied |
This field
appears on the web user-interface only if you have
voted "no". Clearly it is present in the
spreadsheet regardless of vote. This field indicates whether the comment must be satisfied in order for you to change your vote to "yes". Any voter that votes "no" must have at least one comment marked "must be satisfied=yes" as to support for their "no" vote. This field must not be left blank for any comment in this case, as the intent of the voter regarding this comment would be ambiguous. If you are uploading a spreadsheet, be sure to use either "Yes" or "No" in this column, as any other value might stop the system accepting your comments. Any voter that votes "yes" should not have any comments marked "yes" in this column. |
Other notes related to writing comments: | |
Redline drafts | The redline draft (if present) is there to show differences between a version being balloted in the current ballot and a previous version. Due to limitations of the tools used to produce the redline, this version of the draft may contain artifacts arising from the comparison process. Before reporting a comment against a problem found in a redline draft *always* check that it is also present in the clean draft. Regardless of the above, always report any page and line numbers from the clean draft. |
Bruce Kraemer
IEEE 802.11 Working Group Chair
Adrian Stephens
IEEE 802.11 Working Group Vice Chair / Balloting Coordinator
Rich Kennedy
IEEE 802.11 TGaf Chair
Fri Jul 20, 2012