Motion: " Should P802.11ay D3.0 be forwarded to Sponsor
Ballot? "
(Type of Motion: Technical)
Cast your vote here
This Letter Ballot opens on: Monday, February 4, 2019 at 23:59 Eastern
and closes 24 days later on Thursday, February 28, 2019 at 23:59
Eastern Time USA. (
reminder to calendar).
Show detailed instructions
The draft and the supporting documentation:
This is a 24-day Recirculation Technical letter ballot and the ballot
group (i.e.,
those that may vote) for this ballot is all IEEE 802.11 voters as of
the start of this
letter ballot.
If you are in the ballot pool
and do not vote,
your prior vote will carry forward. If you are in the ballot pool and
have not yet voted, you must vote before the end of the ballot series,
or risk impact on voting rights.
If you cast a "Do not approve" voteon this balllot, it must be
accompanied by "must be satisfied = yes" comments for your vote to be
- Note
that the only valid reason to abstain is "lack of expertise",
regardless of any additional options offered by the voting tool. If you
abstain for any other reason, your vote will not be valid and will not
count towards maintaining your voting status.
- You must follow these instructions to vote. Do
not send an email to vote. Voting by any method other than
the web-based process described here will invalidate your
vote. Failure to follow these instructions will result in your vote
being discarded as an
invalid vote. Not voting on letter ballots or sending an invalid vote
can affect your voting privileges.
- The draft is password protected in accordance with IEEE 802
Policies and Procedures. To obtain the draft, use the username and the
password supplied to active members for the 802.11 WG private area.
- You need an IEEE-SA web account to vote. Instructions for
getting an account, changing the registered email address
and affiliation are here.
If you get a new IEEE-SA web account, you will need to record an
interest in C/LM/WG802.11, and
let the WG chair know your new SA pin before you can vote using this
If you are filling in a comment spreadsheet, be sure to use the full word spelled out as above. If you don't exactly match one of these three terms, the system will not let you upload your spreadsheet.
Please keep the explanation of the comment separate from what you want done as a result of your reasoning. The voting group is too large for the task group to be interpreting what you are requesting.
Please remember that the operating rules state that all "No" votes MUST be accompanied by comments which include specific reasons and enough information for the group to understand what you desire in order to change your "no" to a "yes". Simply saying "not good enough" is insufficient as the task group cannot reasonably be expected to understand what would satisfy the commenter and so invalidation of the vote is justifiable.
This field indicates whether the comment must be satisfied in order for you to change your vote to "yes".
Any voter that votes "no" must have at least one comment marked "must be satisfied=yes" as to support for their "no" vote. This field must not be left blank for any comment accompanying a "no" vote, as the intent of the voter regarding this comment would be ambiguous.
If you are uploading a spreadsheet, be sure to use either "Yes" or "No" in this column, as any other value might stop the system accepting your comments. Any voter that votes "yes" should not have any comments marked "yes" in this column.