The 802.15 Working Group (WG) on Wireless Specialty Networks
(WSN) focuses on the development of open consensus standards addressing
wireless networking for the emerging Internet of Things (IoT), allowing these
devices to communicate and interoperate with one another, mobile devices,
wearables; Optical Wireless Communications (OWC), Autonomous Vehicles, etc . The goal is to publish standards, recommended
practices, or guides that have broad market applicability and deal effectively with
the issues of coexistence and interoperability with other wired and wireless
networking solutions. The WG has completed a large body of work. Many of its
standards, particularly IEEE Std. 802.15.4, are widely deployed around the
world. The WG strives to be an incubator for new technologies and applications
and has published the first standard utilizing the THz RF frequency bands for
high speed wireless interconnection and reconfiguration of data centers.
802.15 is also the first organization to produce global standards for OWC.
The IEEE 802.15 Working Group is part of the 802 Local and Metropolitan Area
Network Standards Committee of the IEEE Computer Society. The IEEE-SA is an
international membership organization serving today's industries with a complete
portfolio of standards programs. The IEEE has more than 400,000 members in
approximately 150 countries. Through its members, the IEEE is a leading
authority on areas ranging from aerospace, computers and telecommunications to
biomedical engineering, electric power and consumer electronics.
For more information on 802.15 or to participate, contact Clint Powell,
you would like to contact the IEEE 802.15 Webmaster, email to |