IEEE 802.15 Working Group for WSN
The IEEE 802.15 WG (Working Group) develops Wireless Specialty Network standards
for short distance wireless networks; a.k.a. WSNs.
We have a growing Membership. The following will tell you how to become a
Working Group Member too.
IEEE 802.15 Requirements for Working
Group Voting Membership
Please refer to the Voting Rights section beginning on page 36 of the
IEEE 802.15 Operations Manual.
Becoming a member of the LAN/MAN 802.15
& LMSC Sponsor
Ballot Pools
If you wish to vote on 802.15 (or other 802) draft standards at the Sponsor
Ballot stage (the 2nd voting level after they have passed Working Group Ballot)
you need to become a member of the LMSC Sponsor Ballot Pool. To be a voting
member in the LMSC Sponsor Ballot Pool you must:-
- Be a member of the
Standards Association. Only IEEE Standards Association members are
eligible balloters on IEEE proposed standards. Balloting groups are composed
of members (voters) and non members (non-voters).
After you have completed this, whenever a balloting group is formed to ballot on
a proposed IEEE 802 standard you will be asked if you wish to be in that
particular balloting group.
), Rev. 0.1