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[STDS-802-16] Dates for Session #45 (September 2006)

In Vancouver last week, the WG accepted a proposal to hold Session 
#45 in Mont Tremblant, Quebec, Canada, based on this presentation:
and a proposal form.

The proposal was for the week of 11-15 Sept 2006. However, some 
problems with those dates were discussed. In particular, they overlap 
with an interim already planned by most of the other wireless groups 
in IEEE 802. Also, they overlap a meeting of ITU-R WP 8A. The 
presenter, Pierre Lamoureux, offered to move the dates to the 
following week. The date selection was deferred.

It turns out that the hotel is not available that following week. 
However, it is available the week of 25-28 Sept.

Based on discussions with the host, Frank Draper, I suggest that we 
go with the dates of 25-28 Sept. Here are the reasons:

*It's too problematic to overlap the other 802 wireless groups these 
days, and it would be better to not overlap ITU-R WP 8A. The only 
notable overlap with the later dates appears to be with 3GPP SA. I 
think we can manage that one more easily.

*It appears that there would be an important schedule advantage to a 
late meeting. In particular, we are currently planning for P802.16g 
to open Sponsor Ballot after Session #44 in July. At that stage, we 
always prefer to allow an extra two weeks in the schedule. This way, 
we could resolve comments at Session #44, ask for conditional 
approval there to go to Sponsor Ballot, run a final two-week WG 
recirc, and still complete Sponsor Ballot before the session.

*After the session, we'd still have six weeks before the November 
session. That's enough for a normal ballot cycle.

*Our hosts note that the fall foliage will be at its maximum 
coloration late in September.

The sponsors are holding onto options for both weeks, but I don't 
know how long they can do so. If they are forced to make a choice, I 
suggest that they choose the later dates.

If you object to 25-28 Sept 2006 and would prefer 11-15 Sept, please 
let us know of your objections and reasoning so we can take them into 
consideration before a final decision is required.



Dr. Roger B. Marks  <> +1 303 497 7837
Chair, IEEE 802.16 Working Group on Broadband Wireless Access