802 Tutorials at 802.16 Session #18

Tutorial #1: Air Interface Requirements and Technologies for Wireless Broadband IP Data Services Supporting Vehicular Mobility

Mon 6:30-8 pm

David Zufall, Nextel Communications, Inc.
Rajiv Laroia, Flarion Technologies
Ruben Montoya, Cisco Systems
Alan O'Neill, Flarion Technologies
Jim Mann, Compaq Computer Corp.

User experience with broadband access to the Internet and corporate intranets via high-speed wireline technologies and via 802.11 LANs have raised the user's expectations of what should be achievable in a fully mobile environment. Applications that flourish in the high speed environment, e.g. peer-to-peer networking, gaming, m-commerce, etc., can then become ubiquitous. The tutorial session consists of presentations focusing on the requirements needed to support transparent access to Internet and intranet services and the technological feasibility of realizing these requirements with OFDM technology.

The primary objective of the tutorial is to drive toward the formation of an Executive Committee Study Group to develop a project proposal addressing the development of a standard for a Wireless Broadband IP Data Air Interface in the 450 MHz to 3 GHz Licensed Spectrum and Supporting Vehicular Mobility.

Note: A Call for Interest session on this topic ("Air Interface Requirements & Technology for Wireless Broadband IP Data for Vehicle Mobility") will be held 8-10 am on Tuesday in Grand E

Tutorial #2: An overview of ITS vehicle communication standards (DSRC at 5.9 GHz)

Mon 8-9:30

In 1999, the FCC allocated 75 MHz of spectrum at 5.850-5.925 GHz, above the UNII band, for a "wireless link to transfer information between vehicles and roadside systems". The FCC turned the standards development over to the ITS (Intelligent Transportation Systems) industry and ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials). The ASTM DSRC (Dedicated Short Range Communications) committee completed a selection process and decided on a system based on 802.11a in August 2001.

ISO is also developing related ITS communication standards in TC204 WG16. The ASTM MAC and PHY standard for 5.9 GHz wireless communication is referred to as CALM5 (Communication Architecture for Long and Medium range at 5 GHz) in WG16.

This tutorial will provide information on ITS DSRC applications, the status of the ASTM and ISO standards, and the relationship to the IEEE 802.11a standard. The purpose is to inform 802 members of an emerging market for wireless communication, and provide an update on related standards activity in other bodies.

Tutorial #3: Upper Millimeter-Wave History, Technology, and Applications for Gigabit Communications Services (Sponsored by IEEE 802.16)

Tue 6:30-8 pm

Wayne Pleasant, Telaxis Communications
Doug Lockie, Endwave

The upper millimeter-wave bands, typically 40 to 320 GHz, are quickly emerging as the bands of choice for high-speed multi-gigabit communications services. Historically significant uses of this technology have primarily been focused on government applications but, with the emergence of lower cost devices, commercial opportunities abound. This presentation will cover technology from the device to the system level, with focus on the current state of the art as well as future concepts. The data focus will be on legacy applications like SDH/PDH as well as Gigabit Ethernet and fiber channel transport. The current status of the regulatory environment will be discussed, with particular emphasis on the international harmonization of frequency bands and standards.

Tutorial #4: UWB Gets a Report and Order from the FCC - What is this Technology and what is the Relevance to IEEE 802

Tue 8-9:30

Matt Welborn - XtremeSpectrum, Inc.
Kai Siwiak - Time Domain Corporation

This tutorial is timed to occur after the FCC report & order concerning part 15 intentional class B radiators. This tutorial starts by explaining, „what is UWB‰ and then presents the FCC report and order, giving the specifics of the UWB rules and where they fit in the context of existing part 15. Next a history of the UWB proceedings will be given explaining the origins of the technology leading up to the present FCC proceedings. Emphasis will be given on interference issues and studies. In addition, the properties of UWB will be explained such as range, throughput and location awareness. Specific applications will be mentioned. The tutorial closes by discussing the relevance of UWB to IEEE802 - where UWB might first appear in IEEE802 and how UWB might coexist with other IEEE802 wireless systems.

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