802.16 Recirculation Ballot #2a

Recirculation Ballot #2a
Document under review: IEEE 802.16-01/01
Document title: Comment Resolutions for Approval in IEEE 802.16 Recirculation Ballot #2a

Motion: To approve the proposed resolutions (as represented in Document IEEE 802.16-01/01) of comments received in 802.16 Letter Ballot #2, and to forward, for Sponsor Ballot, a Draft Standard to be created by applying these resolutions to IEEE 802.16/D1-2000.

Ballot opening date: 10 January 2001

Ballot closing date: 20 January 2001 (local time anywhere on Earth)

To participate in the ballot, you must download the Balloting Tool and use it to prepare your vote and comments. Submission instructions are included.

Important Notes:

To Letter Ballot #2