IEEE 802.18 Radio Regulatory Technical Advisory Group (RR-TAG)

The IEEE 802.18 Radio Regulatory Technical Advisory Group (“RR-TAG”) supports the work of the IEEE 802 LAN/MAN Standards Committee and the IEEE 802 wireless Working Groups and TAGs - IEEE 802.11 (Wireless LAN), IEEE 802.15 (Wireless Specialty Network), IEEE 802.19 (Wireless Coexistence), and IEEE 802.24 (Vertical Applications) - by actively monitoring and participating in radio regulatory matters worldwide as an advocate for IEEE 802.


NEW:  Status of ongoing consultations

NEW:  UK Ofcom: Hybrid sharing in the upper 6 GHz band

NEW:  Selected aspects of radio spectrum management and regulation in the Republic of Poland

NEW:  RSPG Work Programme 2024/2025

NEW:  CEPT current work on higher power WAS/RLAN in the 6GHz lower band

NEW:  A look inside the U.S. Federal Communications Commission

NEW:  An introduction on the international spectrum regulatory process

NEW:  An introduction on European spectrum regulation

Schedule of weekly teleconferences and ad-hoc meetings:

·        Paid registration is not required to attend the weekly teleconference.  No impact on the attendance credit.

·        Call-in information is available at Google Calendar.  You can import the Google Calendar as an ics file (version: 15 November 2024).

·        If any link on the call-in information does not work, please email the Chair.  Updates will be sent to the IEEE 802.18 List Server, such as late cancellations.



Meeting Date


RR-TAG weekly teleconference


5 December 2024 through 9 January 2025

23 January 2025 through 6 March 2025

20 March 2025

15:00 ET to 15:55 ET


Schedule of future Plenary/Wireless Interim:

·        Paid registration is required to attend the mixed-mode plenary/wireless interim and to receive attendance credit via IEEE IMAT attendance system.

·        Call-in information will be available at Google Calendar.  You can import the Google Calendar as an ics file (version: 30 October 2024).

·        Reciprocal credit is provided to IEEE 802.18 voters for attendance at IEEE 802.11 on the opening and closing meetings.




Meeting Date and Time

2025 January interim

(12 to 17 January 2025)

Kobe International Conference Center

Kobe, Japan

Tuesday, 10:30am JST to 12:30pm JST

Thursday, 8:00am JST to 10:00am JST

2025 March plenary

(9 to 14 March 2025)

Hilton Atlanta

Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Tuesday, 10:30am ET to 12:30pm ETT

Thursday, 8:00am ET to 10:00am ET





·       IEEE 802.18 Documents

o   For uploading to Mentor, you must be a member of the 802.18 Mentor Group.

o   Go to webpage at the link above (IEEE 802.18 Documents).

§  There is a ‘Join Group’ selection near the top a little to the right.   Select that and a request will go to owner of the group.

·       Archives (802.18 Documents)

·       IEEE 802 Public Statements to Government Bodies

·       IEEE 802's Wireless Standards Table of Frequency Ranges









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This page is maintained by Edward Au.  Comments are welcome.
Last Update: 3 December 2024