Next generation 100 Gb/s Ethernet interfaces for optical fiber modules Call for Interest

The following request for agenda time for a "Call for Interest" has been received from Dan Dove. It will be discussed at the IEEE 802 LMSC July 2011 Plenary meeting in San Francisco, CA, USA.

If you have any questions please get in touch with either or directly.

Front panel port density and bandwidth requirements are being driven upward by aggregation and computing applications. For the front panel, these applications will drive the need for lower power, lower cost, and narrower 100 Gb/s Ethernet interfaces for optical fiber modules than can be implemented with the interfaces currently defined by IEEE Std 802.3ba-2010. This Call for Interest will request the formation of a study group to explore the market need and solutions to reduce the cost, power and panel size of 100 Gb/s optical interfaces.

This "Call for Interest" will take place during the IEEE 802.3 Opening Plenary on the afternoon of Monday 18th July. A Call for Interest meeting has been scheduled to occur from 3:30PM to 5:00PM on the afternoon of Tuesday 19th July (Note new time). The vote to determine if a Study Group will be formed will take place at the IEEE 802.3 Closing Plenary on the afternoon of Thursday 21st July.

Call for Interest meeting presentation

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Last Update: 19 Jul 11

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