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Re: [802SEC] Spam on email reflectors

Replies sent only to originator.  Use "reply all" to reply to the list

Sigh.  I wish it were that simple.  I have been trying to get the IEEE IT
folks to do this for months, and they seem to care very little about SPAM.
We talked about this during the joint SEC/STB meeting in Hilton Head.
Our buddies in the standards department electronic services group are
powerless to help us, because the IEEE IT staff (not the standards dept)
owns the mail servers, and the IT staff seems to think that SPAM is a part
of life, and not worth their attention to curb.


Bob O'Hara wrote:
> Replies sent only to originator.  Use "reply all" to reply to the list
> One solution that is reasonably simple and effective is to have IEEE IT
> filter all mail destined for the lists against the Real-time Black Hole List
> (RBL).  For information on the RBL, see
>  -Bob
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []On
> Behalf Of Roger B. Marks
> Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2001 1:04 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [802SEC] Spam on email reflectors
> Replies sent only to originator.  Use "reply all" to reply to the list
> Mike,
> 802.16 doesn't. One major problem with restriction is that many
> people use different return addresses, depending on their
> circumstance when they send the note. The restricted reflector is set
> up to accept only one of these. There will be a lot of bounces,
> although maybe people can get used to this.
> Another option is to set the "taboo body" parameter to auto-bounce
> messages with certain unacceptable words. This is a crude way to
> filter spam. I'm hesitant to start writing a list of such words.
> Perhaps the spammers are clever enough to avoid this kind of trap
> anyway.
> I've been hoping that some creative person in the IEEE IT department
> will find a brilliant solution.
> Roger
> >Replies sent only to originator.  Use "reply all" to reply to the list
> >
> >People,
> >
> >I recall a recent spate of spam on the SEC reflector and the
> >discussion on whether posting policies should be open or
> >closed.
> >
> >My reflector just got spammed today and some of my members
> >have suggested I restrict posting to members of the
> >mailing list.
> >
> >Does any other group restrict access in a similar manner?
> >
> >cheers,
> >
> >mike
> >
> >--
> >Michael Takefman    
> >Manager HW Engineering,       Cisco Systems
> >Chair IEEE 802.17 Stds WG
> >2000 Innovation Dr, Ottawa, Canada, K2K 3E8
> >voice: 613-271-3399       fax: 613-271-4867