module ieee802-dot1q-pb { yang-version "1.1"; namespace urn:ieee:std:802.1Q:yang:ieee802-dot1q-pb; prefix dot1q-pb; import ieee802-dot1q-bridge { prefix dot1q; } import ieee802-dot1q-types { prefix dot1qtypes; } import ietf-interfaces { prefix if; } organization "IEEE 802.1 Working Group"; contact "WG-URL: WG-EMail: Contact: IEEE 802.1 Working Group Chair Postal: C/O IEEE 802.1 Working Group IEEE Standards Association 445 Hoes Lane Piscataway, NJ 08854 USA E-mail:"; description "This YANG module describes the Bridge configuration model for Provider Bridges. Copyright (C) IEEE (2023). This version of this YANG module is part of IEEE Std 802.1Q; see the standard itself for full legal notices."; revision 2023-10-22 { description "Published as part of IEEE Std 802.1Qcw-2023. The following reference statement identifies each referenced IEEE Standard as updated by applicable amendments."; reference "IEEE Std 802.1Q Bridges and Bridged Networks: IEEE Std 802.1Q-2022, IEEE Std 802.1Qcz-2023, IEEE Std 802.1Qcw-2023."; } revision 2022-01-19 { description "Published as part of IEEE Std 802.1Q-2022."; reference "IEEE Std 802.1Q-2022, Bridges and Bridged Networks."; } revision 2020-06-04 { description "Published as part of IEEE Std 802.1Qcx-2020. Second version."; reference "IEEE Std 802.1Qcx-2020, Bridges and Bridged Networks - YANG Data Model for Connectivity Fault Management."; } revision 2018-03-07 { description "Published as part of IEEE Std 802.1Q-2018. Initial version."; reference "IEEE Std 802.1Q-2018, Bridges and Bridged Networks."; } augment "/if:interfaces/if:interface/dot1q:bridge-port" { description "Augment the interface model with 802.1Q Bridge Port configuration specific nodes."; leaf svid { type dot1qtypes:vlanid; description "Service VLAN identifier."; reference " of IEEE Std 802.1Q"; } list cvid-registration { when "/dot1q:bridges/dot1q:bridge[dot1q:name=current()"+ "/../dot1q:bridge-name]/dot1q:component[dot1q:name=current()"+ "/../dot1q:component-name]/dot1q:type = 'dot1q:c-vlan-component'"+ " and ../dot1q:port-type = 'dot1q:customer-edge-port'" { description "Applies when the component associated with this interface is a C-VLAN component and the port-type is a customer edge port."; } key "cvid"; description "The C-VID Registration Table, provides a mapping between a C-VID and the service instance represented by an S-VID selected for that C-VLAN. This table provides the equivalent functionality of 1) Configuring the PVID of the internal CNP on the S-VLAN component 2) Adding the corresponding PEP on the C-VLAN component to the member set of the C-VLAN 3) Adding the PEP and/or CEP to the untagged set of the C-VLAN (if it is desired that frames forwarded to that port are transmitted untagged for this C-VLAN)."; leaf cvid { type dot1qtypes:vlanid; description "Customer VLAN identifiers associated with this bridge port."; reference " of IEEE Std 802.1Q"; } leaf svid { type dot1qtypes:vlanid; description "Service VLAN identifier."; reference " of IEEE Std 802.1Q"; } leaf untagged-pep { type boolean; default "true"; description "A boolean indicating frames for this C-VLAN should be forwarded untagged through the Provider Edge Port."; reference " of IEEE Std 802.1Q"; } leaf untagged-cep { type boolean; default "true"; description "A boolean indicating frames for this C-VLAN should be forwarded untagged through the Customer Edge Port."; reference " of IEEE Std 802.1Q"; } } list service-priority-regeneration { when "/dot1q:bridges/dot1q:bridge[dot1q:name=current() "+ "/../dot1q:bridge-name]/dot1q:component[dot1q:name=current() "+ "/../dot1q:component-name]/dot1q:type = 'dot1q:c-vlan-component' "+ "and ../dot1q:port-type = 'dot1q:customer-edge-port'" { description "Applies when the component associated with this interface is a C-VLAN component and the port-type is a customer edge port."; } key "svid"; description "The Service Priority Regeneration Table, which provides the Priority Regeneration Table (12.6.2) for each internal CNP connected to the C-VLAN component associated with the CEP."; leaf svid { type dot1qtypes:vlanid; description "Service VLAN identifier."; reference " of IEEE Std 802.1Q"; } container priority-regeneration { description "Contains Service Priority Regeneration table nodal information."; reference " of IEEE Std 802.1Q"; uses dot1qtypes:priority-regeneration-table-grouping; } } list rcap-internal-interface { when "/dot1q:bridges/dot1q:bridge[dot1q:name=current() "+ "/../dot1q:bridge-name]/dot1q:component[dot1q:name=current() "+ "/../dot1q:component-name]/dot1q:type = 'dot1q:s-vlan-component' "+ "and ../dot1q:port-type = 'dot1q:remote-customer-access-port'" { description "Applies when the component associated with this interface is a C-VLAN component and the port-type is a customer edge port."; } key "external-svid"; description "Designating an external port as an RCAP automatically creates a Port-mapping S-VLAN component associated with that port. This Port-mapping S-VLAN component includes one internal PNP."; leaf external-svid { type dot1qtypes:vlanid; description "External Service VLAN identifier."; reference " of IEEE Std 802.1Q"; } leaf internal-port-number { type dot1qtypes:port-number-type; description "The number of the RCAP."; reference " of IEEE Std 802.1Q"; } leaf internal-svid { type dot1qtypes:vlanid; description "Internal Service VLAN Identifier (not applicable for a C-tagged RCSI)."; reference " of IEEE Std 802.1Q"; } leaf internal-interface-type { type enumeration { enum port-based-rcsi { description "Port-based RCSI"; } enum c-tagged-rcsi { description "C-tagged RCSI"; } enum pnp { description "Provider Network Port"; } enum discard { description "Discard (external S-VID is not associated with an internal port)."; } } description "A value indicating the type of internal interface associated with the external S-VID."; reference " of IEEE Std 802.1Q"; } } } }