IEEE 802.11 Recirculation Letter Ballot 144 for 802.11p Draft 6.0 Starts Today IEEE 802.11(TM) Letter Ballot 144 To: IEEE 802.11 Voters, With this email, the 802.11 Working Group is officially beginning WG Recirculation Letter Ballot 144 (LB144), which is a ballot on the question "Should P802.11 TGp Draft 6.0 be forwarded to Sponsor Ballot?". This Ballot opens Mon Mar 16, 2009 at 23:59 Eastern Time USA (11:59PM) and will close 15 days later on Tue Mar 31, 2009 at 23:59 Eastern Time USA (11:59pm). All necessary documents are available in the instructions that can be found on the IEEE 802.11 web site at Please note that the number you use to vote has changed. See point 3 below. Important: 1. This is a recirculation letter ballot and the voters pool for this ballot is the same as for the original ballot that passed the 75% threshold for 802.11p, i.e., Letter Ballot 125. If you have voted on any of LB125 and 141, you are not required to vote on this ballot. Your most recent ballot will be carried forward. If you wish to change your vote from your most recent ballot, you must respond to this ballot. 2. You must follow the instructions on the 802.11 web site to vote. Do not send an email to vote. 3. You will need your 802.11 Member ID to vote. This number has been emailed to you by the WG vice chair. If you have lost this number, ask the WG vice chair for it. Do not use your old or new badge numbers as these are different. 4. If you provide comments, they must use the comment template provided. Do not supply individual comments or your vote may be invalidated. (The attached file contains a reminder set for 5 days before the close of the ballot. You may find it helpful to import this into or open this with your calendar client in order to get an automated reminder.) Thank you for participating in Letter Ballot 144. Bruce Kraemer, IEEE 802.11 Working Group Chair E-mail: Adrian Stephens, IEEE 802.11 Working Group Vice Chair / Balloting Coordinator E-mail: Lee Armstrong, IEEE 802.11 TGp Chair E-mail: lra@TIAC.NET