Edward Au (Marvell Semiconductor), Chair
Jeorge Hurtarte (Teradyne), Recording Secretary
Next Generation 60 GHz (NG60) is a new study group within the IEEE 802.11 working group that will consider significantly increasing the data rates in the 60 GHz frequency band in a backwards compatible way to IEEE 802.11ad.
The Study Group was created based on the following IEEE 802.11 Working Group motion: Request approval by IEEE 802 LMSC to form an IEEE 802.11 Study Group on Next Generation 60 GHz [as described in doc 11-14/0606r0] with the intent of creating a PAR and CSD.
The NG60 SG is in the process of developing PAR and CSD documents towards the future formation of an IEEE 802.11 project.
Main documents
1. Submissions. The group reviewed the following fourteen submissions:
Draft PAR and CSD proposal
Channel modeling
11-15/0296r0, Indoor office channel measurements in the 60 GHz band, Cagatay Capar (Ericsson)
11-15/0329r0, Channel sounding for NG60, Robert Muller (Ilmenau University of Technology)
11-15/0340r1, SC LOS/NLOS channel measurements, Alecsander Eitan (Qualcomm)
11-15/0342r0, NIST millimeter-wave channel sounders, Camillo Gentile (NIST)
Usage model
11-15/0328r4, NG 60 usage models, Rob Sun (Huawei Technologies)
11-15/0345r0, 8K UHD wireless transfer usage model for NG 60, HanGyu Cho (LG Electronics)
11-15/0334r1, MIMO framework, Alireza Tarighta (Broadcom)
11-15/0335r2, Channel bonding framework, Alireza Tarighta (Broadcom)
11-15/0339r0, SC 64APSK for 802.11ay, Alecsander Eitan (Qualcomm)
11-15/0356r0, MU-MIMO schemes for NG60, Alexander Maltsev (Intel)
11-15/0431r0, Shared MIMO architecture for 802.11ay, Dmitry Cherniavsky (SiBEAM)
2. PAR and CSD. The group approved motions that request the updated PAR [as posted in doc 11-14/1151r8] and CSD [as posted in doc 11-14/1152r8] be posted to IEEE 802 Executive Committee (EC) agenda for EC approval to submit to NesCom.
3. Project
timeline. The group reviewed the project timeline. No change is made.
4. Study Group
extension. The group passed a motion to extend the Study Group.
5. Teleconference schedule. The group agreed to have one teleconferences prior to the May 2015 Interim:
6. Goals for May 2015 Interim. Subject to EC and NesCom approval, meet as a Task Group and hold leadership election.
Main documents
1. Submissions. The group reviewed the following six submissions:
Draft PAR and CSD proposal
11-14/1151r4, NG60 proposed PAR, Carlos Cordeiro (Intel)
11-15/0094r0, SC 64QAM for NG60
11-15/0096r1, Non-uniform constellations for higher order QAM, Daniel Schneider (Sony)
11-15/0124r0, Approach to NG60 peak rate, Yi Wang (Huawei Technologies)
2. PAR and CSD. The group approved motions that request the PAR [as posted in doc 11-14/1151r5] and CSD [as posted in doc 11-14/1152r6] be posted to IEEE 802 Executive Committee (EC) agenda for WG 802 preview and EC approval to submit to NesCom.
3. Project
timeline. The group reviewed the project timeline. No change is made.
4. Teleconference schedule. The group agreed to have one teleconferences prior to the March 2015 Plenary:
5. Goals for March 2015 Plenary. Resolve comments on PAR and CSD expected from IEEE 802 members and other IEEE 802 Working Groups.
Main documents
1. Submissions. The group received the following six submissions:
Draft PAR and CSD proposals
11-14/1151r3, NG60
proposed PAR, Carlos Cordeiro (Intel)
Channel modeling
models in NG60,
Alexander Maltsev (Intel)
Usage models
11-14/1386r1, NG60
usage models, Takuma Takada (NTT DoCoMo)
11-14/1378r3, PHY
rate for NG60, Amichai Sanderovich (Qualcomm)
2. PAR and CSD. The group reviewed the progress made in September 2014 Interim [as described in doc 11-14/1510r0] and continued working on the PAR and CSD proposals.
3. Project
timeline. The group reviewed the project timeline. No change is made.
4. Study Group
extension. The group passed a motion to extend the Study Group.
5. Teleconference
schedule. The group agreed to have two teleconferences prior to the January 2015 Interim:
Goals for January 2015 Interim.
Progress the work on PAR and CSD.
Main documents
1. Leadership
structure. The group decided leadership structure to have one chairperson and one secretary:
2. Submissions.
The group received seven submissions as listed below:
Usage models
11-14/1160r0, Ultra
short range (USD) communications usage models for NG60, Lei Huang (Panasonic)
3. Project
timeline. The group reviewed the following project timeline and no question raised.
4. Teleconference
schedule. There is no teleconference call prior to November 2014 Plenary.
Goals for November 2014 Plenary.
Review presentations that inform the SIG in its effort to develop PAR & CSD.
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