The purpose of the Publicity Committee is to generate collateral, overview, and status update material on 802.11 for general use by members of the working group, the IEEE, industry analysts, trade press, and other interested parties.  The materials will be used to keep everyone informed on new developments of the IEEE 802.11 Wireless LAN (WLAN) standard and amendments.

Status of Publicity Committee

The Publicity Standing Committee of Working Group IEEE 802.11 of the IEEE 802 LAN/MAN Standards Committee holds meetings in conjunction with every session of the Working Group.  The meeting is open to any registered attendee for that session.  The chair is Stephen McCann whose contact information can be found at the IEEE802.11 Working Group home page

More recent presentations given in PUB SC (together with agenda and minutes) can be found here

IEEE 802.11 Presentation

The publicity standing committee (PUB SC) have produced a presentation called What is 802.11 is doing intended to be used to explain 802.11's current activities to those outside 802.11. This is now available on this website.

January 10-14, 2005 - Monterey, California, USA

Summary of Activities and Future Plans:

Recent press inquiries/coverage:

Upcoming events

 Items coming up that may require a press release:

May 10-14, 2004 - Anaheim, California, USA

Summary of Activities and Future Plans:

Industry Report

WiMedia Alliance - Glyn Roberts

Industry Report

Wi-Fi Alliance - Bill Carney

Recent press inquiries/coverage:

Upcoming events

Items coming up that may require a press release:

January 13-17, 2003 - Ft. Lauderdale

Summary of Activities and Future Plans:

The Publicity Committee (PC) held one meeting for the week of January 13, 2003  chaired by Brian Mathews PC Chair 802.11 and Glyn Roberts PC Chair for 802.15.  Bill Carney provided an update on new developments at the WiFi Alliance.  John Barr presented a WiMEDIA update.  The group reviewed the information on the 802News website.  Preparation for the May meeting in Singapore was discussed.  Brian Mathews and Glyn Roberts will coordinate with IEEE marketing staff to obtain needed materials (brochures, posters, etc.).

At the IEEE 802 Plenary session in March the PC will receive reports from WiFi Alliance and WiMEDIA, review input for the 802News website, and review plans for the May 2003 Singapore meeting.

November 11-15, 2002 - Kauai, HI

Summary of Activities and Future Plans:

The Publicity Committee (PC) held one meeting for the week of November 9, 2002. chaired by Brian Mathews PC Chair 802.11. and Glyn Roberts PC Chair for 802.15. Jerry Walker of the IEEE presented an update of publicity activities at the IEEE (802.11 document number 756). John Barr presented a WiMEDIA update (802.15 document number 460, 802.11 document number 785). Bill Carney provided an update on new developments at the WiFi Alliance (802.11 document number 744). The communications processes for 802.11 and 802.15 were reviewed (emphasis on web site information).

At the IEEE 802 Wireless interim session in January the PC will receive reports from WiFi Alliance and WiMEDIA, review input for the 802News website, and review plans for the May 2003 Singapore meeting.

September 9-13, 2002 - Monterey, CA

Summary of Activities and Future Plans:

The Publicity Committee (PC) held one meeting on September 9, 2002.  chaired by Brian Mathews PC Chair 802.11.  [note: Jim Meyer has resigned the position of PC Chair for 802.15].  Dennis Eaton, WECA chair, provided an update on new developments at WECA.  802.11a interoperability testing status and upcoming meetings/press events were the highlights.  Jim Meyer sent in via e-mail some WiMedia update points.  Discussed issues identified with holding a conference call following each 802.11/.15 session. For now emphasis will focus on web-based communication channels such as the 802News site and the .11/.15 sites. The list of questions the TG Chairs should try to answer in their Closing summary reports was reviewed and has been found to be helpful.

At the IEEE 802 plenary session in November the PC will further review and refine the external communication process, receive reports from WECA and WiMedia, discuss the status and plans of each Task Group, and begin to make plans for the May 2003 Singapore meeting.

Past Activities 2001 through January 2002:

January 21-25, 2002 - Dallas, TX

Summary of Activities and Future Plans:

The Publicity group held one meeting for the week of January 21st,  chaired by Bruce Kraemer from 802.11 and Jim Meyer for 802.15. Dennis Eaton the Interim chair from WECA gave an update of the highlights from CES conference.  Dennis indicated that IEEE 802.11b WiFi products at CES received high ratings by the analysts and the WECA pavilion was well attended.  A number of media and press briefings were given including special briefings to the FTC, a FCC commissioner and a US Congressman. On the technical front, WECA is preparing a petition to the FCC on a NPRM to allow additional bandwidth in the 5GHz UNII band which are consistent with European regulations. The January 2002 WECA meeting in Boston focused on branding issues with respect to the upcoming addendums drafts to 802.11, including TGg, TGI, and TGe.

Al Petrick gave an overview of the Communications Design conference scheduled for September 23-26, 2002 in San Jose California. A call for abstracts is underway.  The conference will cover tracks on Home Wireless Networking, Tutorials on OFDM, Updates on 802.11 and 802.15 standards, and hot topics in WLANs. For more information on the design conference visit the website at

The Publicity group developed a procedure for reporting process of all of the task groups for the week. This reporting mechanism will be used by the WG chairs and vice-chairs of 802.11 and 802.15 to brief industry analysts and media press at the close of every session.

At the IEEE 802.11 meeting in March 2002 the publicity group plans to work on a document describing the progress reporting procedure for the task groups within 802.11 and 802.15, and forward the document to the WG for approval. In addition the group will continue working on updating the conference calendar of events for 2002.

November 12-16, 2001 - Austin, TX

Summary of Activities and Future Plans:

The Publicity group held one meeting for the week of November 12th, chaired by Al Petrick and Bruce Kramer. The group continued with the updating the calendar of events and website presentation material explaining TGe and TGI.

Al Petrick gave an update on WECA, on behalf of David Cohen -Chairman of WECA. WECA expressed concerns of delays in 802.11g in the eye of the media and press. WECA encouraged the working group to reach consensus towards closure. WECA also was preparing to discuss the highlights of the work underway with Security task group  TGI at Comdex with several industry analysts.  WECA plans to get a report at the upcoming January 2002 session.

In addition to the WECA report the Publicity group plans to nominate a new chair to lead the group with a representative from 802.15 and continue work updating calendar of events.

July 8-13, 2001 - Portland, OR

Summary of Activities and Future Plans:

The Publicity group held one meeting for the week of July 8th, chaired by Al Petrick.  The IEEE staff from NJ gave an update on the status of conducting a WLAN forecast. The IEEE is currently reviewing requirements necessary to launch the project in conjunction with IEEE 802.15 and IEEE 802.16.  And update will be given at the September 802.11 interim session.  Al Petrick gave an update on WECA as per the chairs teleconference call held prior to the July 2001 Plenary.  The WECA organization continues to turn up the volume supporting the IEEE 802.11 WG as the publicity arm.  WECA is currently working on a brand logo similar to Wi-Fi for IEEE 802.11a 5GHz products, in anticipation of interoperable products becoming available for testing later this year.  The IEEE 802.11 WG received a letter of concern from WECA with regards to the delays in development of the 802.11g standard.  This topic will be discussed on the next WECA - 802.11 chairs conference call and a report will be given at the September 2001 802.11 session.

May 14 - 18, 2001 - Orlando, FL

Summary of Activities and Future Plans:

The purpose of the Publicity Group, is to generate marketing collateral and overview material on 802.11 for general use by members of the working group.  The materials will be used to keep the working group informed on new developments on IEEE 802.11 wireless LANs from a market perspective.

Al Petrick and Bruce Kraemer chaired the group for the session.  The Publicity Group held one meeting during the week of May 14th.  The group updated the calendar of events and conference tradeshow templates.  Al Petrick gave an update on the status of the WLAN forecast proposal planned by the staff of IEEE in NJ.  Details of the plan will be disclosed from a representative of the IEEE staff at the July session in Portland.  Al Petrick gave a report of the chair's teleconference call with WECA on the issue of Wi-Fi branding coordination with 802.11.  As a result of the teleconference call, Phil Belanger, Chair of WECA was invited to 802.11 in Orlando to give a tutorial to the WG on WECA describing the group's charter and how WECA and the 802.11 WG can grow together promoting Wi-Fi products and additions to the standard as they evolve.  Phil's presentation was well received - Many thanks to Phil!!

The WG chairs of 802.11 and WECA plan to host a teleconference call in June covering topics on branding, and promoting 802.11a 5GHz products.  A report from the teleconference call will be given to the Publicity group at the July session in Portland.

In July, the Publicity Group plans to hear from the IEEE staff on recommendations for conducting a wireless LAN unit forecast survey, and entertain nominations for chairman posts to lead the Publicity Group.  Those of you interesting leading the Publicity Group as chair, please contact either Stuart J. Kerry, Chair - 802.11 or Bob Heile, Chair - 802.15.

March 12-16, 2001  - Hilton Head Island, SC

Summary of Activities and Future Plans:

The purpose of the Publicity Group, is to generate marketing collateral and overview material on 802.11 for general use by members of the working group.  The materials will be used to keep the working group informed on new developments on IEEE 802.11 wireless LANs from a market perspective.


Al Petrick chaired the group for the session.  The publicity group held one meeting during the week of March 16th.  At this session a few members of IEEE staff participate in the discussions. The group updated the calendar of events and conference tradeshow templates.  Most of the discussions focused on two areas: 1) Wireless LAN unit forecast survey 2) Logo and branding of 802.11b together with Wi-Fi TM used by WECA.  As a means to speed up the process, the IEEE staff volunteered to investigate the possibility of conducting such a report using an industry market analyst.  The IEEE staff plans to give an update and recommendation at the May 2001 meeting.


The 2nd topic focused on making reference to 802.11 when WECA promotes the Wi-Fi TM brand.  The group strongly supported a recommendation that WECA should continue to make reference to 802.11 when promoting the Wi-Fi TM brand.  A motion was passed at the closing plenary to have the liaison from 802.11 to WECA communicate the WG's recommendation.  The WG chairs of 802.11 decided to hold a series of conference calls with the chairs of WECA before the May meeting to discuss this in more detail and follow up with a report at the 802.11 WG plenary in May.


At the May 2001 interim meeting in Orlando, the Publicity Group plans to hear reports from the IEEE staff on recommendations for conducting a wireless LAN unit forecast survey, and discuss how 802.11 can leverage a closer relationship with the publicity arm of WECA.

January 15-19, 2001 - Monterey, CA 

Summary of Activities and Future Plans:

The purpose of the Ad-Hoc Publicity group, is to generate marketing collateral and overview material on 802.11 for general use by members of the working group. The materials will be used to keep the working group informed on new developments on IEEE 802.11 wireless LANs from a market perspective.


Al Petrick and Bruce Kraemer (Publicity chair of 802.15) jointly chaired the group for the session. During the week of January 15th, the group updated the calendar of events and conference tradeshow templates. Al Petrick gave a report on the latest developments in WECA. The next WECA meeting will be held in Honolulu, Hawaii on February 21-22, 2001.For details on the meeting visit Bruce Kraemer gave a report and overview on the OFDM forum. The next meeting will be held in February 21-22, 2001 in San Francisco, CA. Visit for details on the next meeting. Al Petrick gave a report on the Communications Design Conference planned for Oct 1-4, 2000 in San Jose CA. For details on the conference visit

The group received 3 anonymous wireless LAN surveys from members of the working group - see document 01/400 for details on the forecasts submitted. The group decided to continue collecting surveys until the March Plenary meeting in order to obtain sufficient data for analyses. The survey will be sent again to members of 802.11 and 802.15 over the email reflectors anonymously prior the meeting in March meeting. The WLAN survey document is doc: 00/407.

During the March 12th IEEE 802 Plenary meeting in Hilton Head, NC the Publicity Group plans to start analyzing the results of the wireless LAN survey. The group expects to post the results from the wireless LAN survey at the close of the March Plenary meeting. The posting is subject to approval by the 802.11 working group. In addition a number of members plan to give a report latest developments in WECA from the February meeting in Hawaii and highlights from the Wireless Symposium.

November 6-10, 2000 - Tampa, FL

Summary of Activities and Future Plans:

The purpose of the Ad-Hoc Publicity group, (formally the Ad-Hoc Marketing group) is to generate marketing collateral and overview material on 802.11 for general use by members of the working group. The materials will be used to keep the working group informed on new developments on WLAN from a market perspective.


Al Petrick and Bruce Kraemer (Publicity chair of 802.15) jointly chaired the group for the session. During the week of November xxx the group reviewed and continued work on refining a general presentation on 802.11 doc: 00/288-r1.The group updated and refined the calendar of events, and conference and tradeshow templates. Al Petrick gave a report on the latest developments within WECA. To better understand the size of the 802.11b 11Mpbs WLAN market, the group developed a survey, which will be use as a Strawman to quantify the number of units shipped over the next 5 years. The survey will be sent out to members of 802.11 anonymously prior the meeting in January. The WLAN survey document is doc: 00/407.The marketing report for the week was summarized in doc: 00/404.

During the January 15th, meeting in Monterey, California the Publicity Group plans to continue work, refining the overview presentation on 802.11 (doc: 00/288-r1) and review the results of the WLAN survey. The group will continue work on market segmentation and formulating a forecast for the 802.11b 11Mbps market. The group expects to start posting this information on the 802.11 website starting early 2001.

September 18-22, 2000 - Scottsdale, AZ

Summary of Activities and Future Plans:

The purpose of the Adhoc Publicity group is to generate Publicity collateral and overview material on 802.11 for the working group. The materials will be used to keep the working group informed on new developments on WLAN from a market perspective.

During the week of September 18th the group began work developing an overview presentation on 802.11. The group reviewed calendar of events, in particular the Deploying WLAN conference in Dallas, Texas on October 25-26, 2000, chaired by Al Petrick. During the joint 802.11, 802.15 Publicity meeting both groups decided to combine the Publicity activities and use a common set of templates and documents for tracking calendar of events, conferences and tradeshows. The documentation will reside on the websites of both working groups. The Publicity report for the week is summarized in doc: 00/289.

During the November 6th meeting in Tampa, Florida the Adhoc Publicity Group plans to continue work, refining the overview presentation on 802.11 (doc: 00/288) and begin generating a unit forecast for world-wide shipments of IEEE 802.11b 11Mbps WLANs. The group will begin updating the 802.15 Publicity documents with information related to 802.11.

July 10-14, 2000 - La Jolla, CA

Summary of Activities and Future Plans:

The purpose of the Adhoc Publicity group is to generate Publicity collateral and overview material on 802.11 for the working group. The materials will be used to keep the working group informed on new developments on WLAN from a market perspective.

During the week of July 10th , 2000 the group held it's second meeting. The group adopted templates and guidelines from the 802.15 WPAN Publicity group for generating documents such as; calendar of events, conferences and trades shows and liaisons. The report for the week is summarized in doc: 00/181.

During the September 18-22 meeting in Scottsdale, AZ the group plans to begin work on developing an overview presentation on 802.11, describing the hierarchical organization of IEEE 802 and a detailed overview of the MAC layer and five (5) physical layers.

May  8 - 11, 2000 - Seattle WA

Summary of Activities and Future Plans:

The purpose of the Publicity Adhoc group is to generate Publicity collateral and overview material on 802.11 for the working group. The materials will be used to keep the working group informed on new develop on WLAN from a market perspective.


During the week of May 8th 2000, the group had its first meeting. The group reviewed the Publicity materials and templates generated by 802.15 WPANs Publicity committee. The materials included straw man procedures on Publicity requirements for Publicity requirement documents (MRDs), trademarks and conference lists.


During the July 10-14 meeting in La Jolla, CA, the group plans to have joint Publicity meetings with 802.15 and 802.16, to continue building on the development of Publicity materials. In addition the group will start developing Publicity overview materials on 802.11 for the website.

This page is maintained by Stephen McCann. Comments are welcome.

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