[STDS-802-11-AANI] Follow up of the AANI SC 18 December 2017 Teleconference
Dear All,
As discussed during the AANI SC 18 December 2017 Teleconference, I agreed to provide a first draft of a Skeleton document for an ITU WP5D contribution. I have created and uploaded the draft: https://mentor.ieee.org/802.11/dcn/17/11-17-1889-00-AANI-skeleton-for-a-candidate-imt-2020-rit-based-on-ieee-802-11.doc
Please feel free to contribute to the development of this document. This initial draft is simply an initial draft and I don't believe it is adequate or complete in its current form. Hence, contributions to this document are necessary if the AANI SC is going to complete the work necessary to have a document that the 802.11 WG, 802.19, and the 802 EC will approve.
Minutes for the 18 December Teleconference have been posed: https://mentor.ieee.org/802.11/dcn/17/11-17-1888-00-AANI-aani-conference-call-minutes-12-18-2017.docx. Thank you Sigurd.
The next AANI Teleconference is 8 January 2018, I will be sending out a reminder and providing the agenda for the meeting on 5 January, please let me know if you will have a contribution for the teleconference as soon as possible.
This work will not be completed without contributions.
Wishing you all a festive and relaxing holiday season.
Joseph Levy
802.11 AANI SC Chair