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Re: [STDS-802-11-ARC] Status Update for P802-REVc

--- This message came from the IEEE 802.11 ARC Reflector ---

Thank you, Joe!


Based on this, I’d like to double-check (@All) if we have consensus that 802.11 (in particular ARC, but other TGs if/as appropriate) can start our activities to align with the 802REVc D2.2.  It seems to me that we can start that work in November, safe from any concern about the 802 Standard shifting out from under us.


(And, clearly, our work to contribute to/follow the P802REVc activity itself is effectively done.  So, we have that time now available for the alignment work.)




From: *** 802.11 Architecture Standing Committee *** <STDS-802-11-ARC@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> On Behalf Of Joseph Levy
Sent: Tuesday, 17 September, 2024 13:05
To: STDS-802-11-ARC@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [STDS-802-11-ARC] Status Update for P802-REVc


--- This message came from the IEEE 802.11 ARC Reflector ---

Dear All –


A report on P802-REVc was provided during the 802.11 mid-week plenary (11 Sep 2024) -   11-24/1614r1

This email provides an updated to the report, providing the current status for the P802-REVc:


The recirculation ballot on 802REVc D2.1 has closed. Nine comments were received.  8 are editorial comments from the RAC and 1 was and editorial comment from an approve voter. The comments are available:  1-24/0048r0


Comment resolution was conducted during the P802-REVc Comment Resolution meeting held Tuesday 17 September 12:00-14:00 h EDT in the ZAL Center for Applied Aviation Research GmbH, Hamburg, Germany (WebEx access was available)

All comments have been resolved. Resolutions to be published in 1-24/0048r1


The Editor will update the draft to D2.2 and the WG Chair will start a new recirculation ballot soon (probably either 20 or 23 September)


It is anticipated that there will be no additional comments and that


Projected timeline:

17 Oct (on or before): The WG Chair has agreed to pre-submit the draft for consideration at the upcoming RevCom Dec 2024 meeting

10-15 Nov (During the 802 November Session):

  1. The WG will request the LMCS submit the draft to RevCom
  2. The LMSC will approve submission of the draft to RevCom

10 Dec: RevCom will agree to recommend approval of the draft for publication

11 Dec: SASB will approve the draft for publication

Q1 2025 – IEEE Std 802-2025 will be published


P802-REVc- Status and the draft are available on


All drafts are available:

Note this directory and the drafts are available to all 802 WG members. (please use your 802.11 member password)







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