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[STDS-802-11-CAC] Notes from CAC1 telecon

--- This message came from the IEEE 802.11 Chairs' Advisory Committee Reflector ---

CAC1 telecon 2016-08-08

1.       Present

a.       Adrian Stephens

b.      Jiamin Chen

c.       Peter Ecclesine

d.      Yongho Seok

e.      Marc Emmelmann

f.        Osama Aboul-Magd

g.       Dorothy Stanley

h.      Donald Eastlake

i.         Edward Au

j.        Jim Lansford

k.       Stephen McCann

l.         Mark Rison



2.       Review agendas availability

3.       Review agenda

4.       Liaison on RSSI measurements – how to handle

a.       Action: Peter to research .11T material on this subject

b.      Osama:  .11T documents don’t appear to exist in the public domain.  No, there are documents on Mentor.  Draft is not available publicly anywhere.

5.       Review agenda graphic

6.       Round Table

a.       Adrian: Affiliation update

b.      Adrian: early absence

c.       Peter:  request that WG/TAG membership be reported excluding ex-officio.  Action: Adrian to bring to WC SC.

d.      Dorothy:  Early absence in Sept meeting.  Will leave Thursday lunch time.

                                                               i.      Motions for EC approval (approval of report and request to forward to RevCom) on Oct 4th should be approved in WG on Wed.

1.       Action:  review motions and reports at Sunday CAC.

                                                             ii.      Also get other motions ready in advance of Thu lunch for Dorothy to get into tentative motions deck.

                                                            iii.      Dorothy will look for a volunteer to manage the motion deck and coordinate with Jon.  Action: Dorothy.

                                                           iv.      Jon will seek a volunteer to assist.

e.      Stephen: Timeline chart has been updated: ah, ak, aj, ai, aq.

                                                               i.      Action: Stephen: Check status of mc

f.        Stephen:  TGaq will act as a BRC in next telecon.

                                                               i.      Action:  Adrian will send out a note to .11 reflector indicating status.


7.       Next meeting 6th Sept.

Best Regards,

Adrian Stephens
IEEE 802.11 Working Group Chair
mailto: adrian.p.stephens@xxxxxxxx
Phone: +1 (971) 203-2032
Skype: adrian_stephens

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