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[STDS-802-11-CAC] Monday 2020-06-01 CAC teleconference cancelled, next call on the 15th

--- This message came from the IEEE 802.11 Chairs' Advisory Committee Reflector ---

Dear CAC members,


The IEEE SASB meeting series is the week of June 1 and I have conflicts with the planned Monday June 1 CAC meeting. Thus, I am cancelling the June 1 CAC meeting. We will meet on June 15th as scheduled.


Below is the list of EC items that I currently have for the July/August EC meetings. Please let me know of any additional items, including for example planned liaisons or ISO draft sharing:

a)      SENS SG Re-charter

b)      SENS PAR – Sept NesCom/SASB

c)       SENS CSD

d)      RCM SC Re-charter

e)      P802.11ax PAR extension – Sept NesCom/SASB

f)       P802.11ba PAR extension – Sept NesCom/SASB


Let me know of any requested agenda items for our June 15th CAC call.







Dorothy Stanley

Hewlett Packard Enterprise


+1 630-363-1389


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