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[STDS-802-11-CAC] 2020-09-28 CAC teleconference annotated agenda

--- This message came from the IEEE 802.11 Chairs' Advisory Committee Reflector ---



The annotated agenda from our teleconference today is below, the spreadsheet with draft timeslots for November is attached.


Let me know of any questions or requested changes.


Our next CAC teleconference will be in 2 weeks, 2020-10-12 noon Eastern.







2020-09-28 802.11 CAC-1 for November 2020

1.       Present

a.       Dorothy Stanley

b.      Marc Emmelmann

c.       Bo Sun

d.      Jonathan Segev

e.      Jodi Haasz

f.        Osama Aboul-Magd

g.       Stephen McCann

h.      Minyoung Park

i.         Robert Stacey

j.        Mark Hamilton

k.       Alfred Asterjadhi

l.         Peter Ecclesine

m.    Jon Rosdahl

n.      Edward Au

o.      Jim Lansford

p.      Carol Ansley

q.      Lei Wang


2.       September follow-up items – Kudos to all for a successful meeting!

a.       Action: Webpage and timeline updates – to Stephen

                                                               i.      Reminder: webpages – Please update by Oct 2nd.

1.       TGaz – Jonathan sent, format issue; Stephen reports MS Word bullet list output are changed to “?”s. Solve by deleting the bullets in MS Word and then re-apply.

2.       You can edit the HTML directly

3.       Download Microsoft _expression_ Web free of charge to update your website

                                                             ii.      Ballots:

1.       md ballot: Sept 24 – Oct 4; EC (conditional) approval on Oct 6th call

2.       11ax ballot: 2nd Recirc SA ballot – working on comment resolution. Goal to close ballot by Nov 13. Dec 11 is RevCom submission date.  Target for 2nd Recirc SA ballot to open before Nov 13th. Action Dorothy – send list of disapprove voters to Osama.

3.       11ay: Sept 14 – Sept 29

4.       11ba: Sept 16 – Oct 1

5.       11bd Initial WGLB – Editor internal review underway. Expect to open in 2 days or so.

                                                            iii.      StephenMcCann – Timelines

1.       TGba, TGbc have been updated. TGaz? Yes, Jonathan will send to Stephen.

2.       TGbb needs to be updated – Stephen to contact Nikola for new dates.

3.       Robert - Amendment ordering; Editors will likely adjust TGbb to follow TGbd. Peter E to provide info to Nikola re: timelines for PHY amendments based on page counts. Include Volker.

                                                           iv.      Stephen McCann gathering all teleconference dates, see confirm the dates – let Stephen know of any errors.

3.       November electronic interim session -WG11 Plenary meetings

a.       Review draft agenda and graphic – several changes made

b.      WG ballots, Nov plenary motions

                                                               i.      11bc: Goal is Motion for WG initial ballot in Nov session

                                                             ii.      11bb: January/March for initial WG ballot

                                                            iii.      WG: TGbf chair confirmation

c.       Tool to use for motions &straw polls

                                                               i.      DirectVote Live is the tool that the IEEE-SA is investigating. Plan to use after the September session. Set up training for CAC early October.

d.      Subgroup motions held during the interim/plenary week(s) do not require 10 day announcement and approval. Advance notice is highly recommended.

4.       EC Agenda items going forward: Oct 6, Oct 30

a.       TGmd – (Conditional) approval to proceed to RevCom

b.      RCM SG – WG formation approved in January 2020. EC approval to form SG April 7th 2020. Rechartered in July 2020. Next EC action: First Extension at Oct EC teleconference


5.       SASB

a.       P802.11ax PAR Extension – SASB Approved 2020-09-24

b.      P802.11ba PAR Extension – SASB Approved 2020-09-24

c.       EC August 4th – P802.11bf PAR/CSD approved; SASB Approved 2020-09-24

d.       Status: All items approved

6.       Future meetings

a.       November plenary (Bangkok); In person moved to 2022; electronic meeting planned

                                                               i.      EC: October 30 to November 13th

                                                             ii.      Original meeting was November 8-13

                                                            iii.      Possible dates: Nov 2 to 10 as proposal to WG

b.      January 2021 – Hotel Irvine is confirmed; discussion – January likely to be electronic; decision expected 2020-09-30

7.       Snapshot slides – review 1 week prior to session

8.       New: Discussion: Recording straw poll results in the minutes: Best practice is to record numeric results (unanimous) only. Straw polls provide information. They do not pass or fail.

9.       New: Request – September interim attendees in Webex but not in IMAT – Email names to Stephen & Dorothy

10.   CAC meetings – every 2 weeks, schedule with 10 day advance notice. Noon Eastern.

11.   Next meetings:  October 12, 26, noon Eastern, additional calls to be announced.

12.   Round table

13.   Adjourn




Dorothy Stanley

Hewlett Packard Enterprise


+1 630-363-1389


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Attachment: 2020-09-28-Nov-mtg schedule-draft.docx
Description: 2020-09-28-Nov-mtg schedule-draft.docx