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Re: [STDS-802-11-CAC] Suggested AANI motion text

--- This message came from the IEEE 802.11 Chairs' Advisory Committee Reflector ---





If there is no objection, I will use the term “adopt” in my motion.  As I believe the purpose of the WG “adopting” the report is to allow it to be issued or published in the name of the 802.11 WG. 


“Adopt” seems to be the preferred choice based on the information you provided and is the correct choice if the report is to issued or published based on "Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised, 12th edition" clause 51:1.3: which states:

"51:13 Motion to adopt an entire report. In rare instances after an assembly has received a report, it may have occasion to adopt the (entire) report; an affirmative vote on such a motion has the effect of the assembly’s endorsing every word of the report—including the indicated facts and the reasoning—as its own statement (see also 10:52–53). Unlike motions to take the action recommended in a report as described above, a motion “to adopt the report” should be made by someone other than the reporting member and requires a second. Adoption of an entire report is seldom wise except when it is to be issued or published in the name of the whole organization."


Also, note that the AANI SC has had some discussion regarding what should be done with the report, options include: sending a liaison statement and the report to interested external groups (3GPP, WFA, WBA, Wi-Fi Now, etc.), generating a “press release”, and taking the report’s recommendations to an existing TG to implement changes to the 802.11 specification.  The how and when this report is acted on, issued, or published will be decided after the WG has adopted the report, by the WG.  (Note, the AANI SC plans to generate a recommendation to the WG during the March meeting). 



Joseph Levy


From: Stanley, Dorothy <dorothy.stanley@xxxxxxx>
Sent: Thursday, January 7, 2021 3:44 PM
To: Joseph Levy <Joseph.Levy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: STDS-802-11-CAC@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE: Suggested AANI motion text


External Mail

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Dorothy Stanley

Hewlett Packard Enterprise


+1 630-363-1389


From: Stanley, Dorothy
Sent: Thursday, January 7, 2021 10:26 AM
To: Joseph.levy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: STDS-802-SEC@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Suggested AANI motion text




First – the intent of the motion. I understand that the intent is to have a motion in which the WG determines whether it will approve/endorse/accept/assume responsibility for the AANI report.

If this understanding is correct, then


“Approve” or

“Accept” or

“Adopt”  the technical report on Interworking between a 3GPP 5G Network and an 802.11 WLAN in 11-20-0xxxrx.


will accomplish the intended goal.


  1. “Approve” is the verb that we typically use in motions. Members understand what it means.


  1. “Accept” has also been used in 802.11 motions, for example 11-19-0256r8 slide 20, and is suggested in the EC motion templates, , see slide 11. Slide 11 in that deck has “Accepting a Report”. “Accept the report of the <subgroup-name> in :doc-url>”

Robert’s rules discussion:

(1) If the report contains only a statement of fact or opinion for the information of the assembly, the reporting member makes no motion for its disposal, as there is no necessity for action on the report. But if any action is taken, the proper motion, ... is to “accept the report,” which has the effect of endorsing the statement and making the assembly assume responsibility for it.

                Some might question whether the effect of the action is to just recognize the report, or indeed accept/adopt/approve the contents. Would need to explain.

  1. Also from , in the lst paragraph prior to section 55,

“While the motions to adopt, to accept, etc, are often used indiscriminately, and the adoption of any one of them has the effect of endorsing or adopting the opinions, actions, recommendations, or resolutions submitted by the committee, as the case may be, yet it is better to use them as heretofore stated. If only one term is used, the word "adopt" is preferable, as it is least liable to be misunderstood.








Dorothy Stanley

Hewlett Packard Enterprise


+1 630-363-1389


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