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[STDS-802-11-CAC] TGbh motions

--- This message came from the IEEE 802.11 Chairs' Advisory Committee Reflector ---



Motions for TGbh, for the closing plenary:

(If I’m correct, and these are all moved “on behalf of TGbh”, then the “Seconded” lines might be deleted?)



Approval of Vice Chairs:


Move to confirm Peter Yee (NSA-CSD/AKAYLA), and Stephen Orr (Cisco) as TGbh Vice Chair(s)


Move: Mark Hamilton on behalf of TGbh

Seconded: xx

Result: Yes: xx, No: xx, Abstain: xx


[TGbh similar motion result: Y:34 N:0 A: 0]



Liaison to WFA:


Move to forward 11-21/0425r2 to Wi-Fi Alliance as a liaison requesting for input on RCM, giving the WG Chair editorial license.


Move: Mark Hamilton on behalf of TGbh

Seconded: xx

Result: Yes: xx, No: xx, Abstain: xx


[TGbh similar motion result: Y:32 N:0 A:4]



Liaison to WBA:


Move to forward 11-21/449r0 to Wireless Broadband Alliance as a liaison requesting input on RCM, given the WG Chair editorial license.


Move: Mark Hamilton on behalf of TGbh

Seconded: xx

Result: Yes: xx, No: xx, Abstain: xx


[TGbh similar motion result: Y:32 N:0 A:2]



Thanks.  Mark

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