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[STDS-802-11-CAC] Notes from CAC telecon

--- This message came from the IEEE 802.11 Chairs' Advisory Committee Reflector ---
  1. Attendance
    • Robert Stacey
    • Jon Rosdahl
    • Alfred Asterjadhi
    • Bo Sun
    • Marc Emmelmann
    • Stephen McCann
    • Tony Han
    • Jim Lansford
    • Peter Yee
    • Laurent Cariou
    • Joseph Levy
  1. IEEE resources on dominance:
  1. Announcements
  1. Discussion topic (from previous meeting)
    • Review SC scope and dutites (Stephen McCann)
    • SC are WNG, AIML, PAR Review, ARC
    • Add something to September agenda
    • Joeseph: also provide overview of 802.11 relationship to 802 and IEEE SA
    • Robert: 802.11 scope and duties (from LMSC report)
  1. July 2024 session and prior follow up (Stephen McCann)
    • Subgroup minutes: Volker & Stephen have almost finished WG minutes.
    • Webpage updates: Will send a reminder. Use your vice chair.
    • Timeline updates: REVme, 11bh, 11be, 11bk, various new drafts
    • Telecons: Still missing 11bn and 11bk IMAT access. Other than that able to do all updates.
  1. September 2024 session -
    • Venue is Hilton Waikoloa Village, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA. Registration is open.
      • Got the majority on standby into the hotel
      • Breakfast buffet is back
    • Registration totals (Jon Rosdahl)
      • In-person, remote, student, total
      • 802.11 -- 260 - 203 - 4 = 467
      • 802.15 -- 28 - 29 - 0 = 57
      • 802.18 -- 3 - 1 = 4
      • 802.19 -- 2 2 = 4
      • 802.24 -- 2 =2
      • totals: 295 - 235 - 4 = 534
    • In-room Webex/video/audio training session planned for Sunday at 13:30.
      • If you have had problems, please attend the training session.
      • Will use the Scarlet box as in the past
      • Will include new polling tool (Slido)
    • Slido polling
      • Ensure Slido is run in the mode where it does not show running totals
      • Ensure "Slido not working for me, here's my vote"s are submitted before the vote closes, and need to check the person did not in fact vote (else they'd be double counted)
    • Review agenda graphic for updates (Jon Rosdahl)
      • Removed TGbh on Tue
    • Include registration slide in your agenda deck
      • Stephen has sent to CAC reflector.
    • Recent and on-going ballot status
      • P802.11REVme/D7.0 on RevCom agenda for September
      • P802.11be/D7.0 on RevCom agenda for September
      • P802.11bh/D6.0 on RevCom agenda for September
      • P802.11bk/D3.0 closed August 15. 10 comments received.
    • Motions for session
      • 11bk for SA ballot?
    • Session attendance
      • Marc attending remotely
  1. Review NesCom/RevCom/SASB deadlines:
    • September 24-26, 2024, NesCom/RevCom/SASB (16 Aug deadline)
      • 11bf PAR extension (on NesCom agenda)
      • REVme (on RevCom agenda)
      • 11bh (on RevCom agenda)
      • 11be (on RevCom agenda)
    • October 29, 2024, RevCom and NesCom telecon (18 Sep deadline)
      • REVmf PAR
    • December 9-11, 2024, NesCom/RevCom/SASB (21 Oct deadline)
      • IMMW PAR (pre-post to get on agenda, first TG meeting in January)
    • January ??, 2025, NesCom/RevCom (Dec deadline)
  1. November 2024 session, Hyatt Regency Vancouver, Vancouver, British Columbia Canada
    • Registration is open.
    • On the main .11 webpage
  1. WNG/new work and university outreach (Jim Lansford)
    • Sent call for presentations
    • No responses yet
    • Deadline is next wednesday
  1. Round table and AOB
    • Jim. Automotive TIG will meet Monday. Have Vice Chair candidates.
    • Mike: Provide a verbal update for snapshot.
    • Stephen: TGme, TGbe and TGbh should have a WG motion for minutes.
  1. Action items
  1. Adjourn
    • Next meeting is on Sunday September 8, 2024

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