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Re: [STDS-802-11-CAC] Motion results from TGbk Mon. PM1 meeting

--- This message came from the IEEE 802.11 Chairs' Advisory Committee Reflector ---
                congratulations on reaching this stage in the 11bk project.

I'll work with Christy and Robert to set up DVL for the mid-week plenary with these motions.

Kind regards


On Mon, 9 Sept 2024 at 17:25, Segev, Jonathan <jonathan.segev@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi Stephen,


TGbk passed the below motions towards moving to SA ballot.

Please add the motions to the Wed. mid week plenary.






Motion (202409-04):

Approve document 11-24-1446r1 as the report to the IEEE 802 LMSC on the requirements for unconditional approval to forward P802.11bk  D3.0 to SA Ballot, and

Request the IEEE 802 LMSC to unconditionally approve forwarding P802.11bk D3.0 to SA ballot.

Moved:  Stephen McCann

Second: Ali Raissinia

Result: Yes: 14, No: 0, Abstain: 1 (Motion passes)


Motion (202409-05):

Re-affirm the P802.11bk CSD in ec-23-0155-00-ACSD-p802-11bk

Moved: Peter Yee

Second: Christian Berger

Result: Yes: 13, No: 0, Abstain: 0 (Motion passes)



Motion (202409-06):

Re-affirm the P802.11bk PAR in

Moved: Christian Berger

Second: Roy Want

Result: Yes: 12, No: 0 , Abstain: 0 motion passes




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