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[STDS-802-11-CAC] room request November Coex SC

--- This message came from the IEEE 802.11 Chairs' Advisory Committee Reflector --- Dear Jon,

I would like to request the following three slots for Coex SC for the November session.

Room Requests for November:
Tuesday PM 1 (Coex)
Tuesday EVE / PM3 (Joint Coex and 802.15.4ab)
Wednesday AM2

* Note — Instead of Wed AM2, I would also be fine to have the last
Coex slot after the Mid-week plenary. Either on Wednesday or
Thursday. This would allow us to release the last slot during
the mid-week plenary and hence allow other groups to
make use of the meeting time if needed.

Please AVOID overlap with TGbp (Sebastian is the BP Secretary and we
cannot have Coex in parallel from now on).

Many thanks for your consideration.

All the best and looking forward to seeing you in November.


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