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[STDS-802-11-CAC] Japan workshop presentation

--- This message came from the IEEE 802.11 Chairs' Advisory Committee Reflector ---
Dear all,
           I've produced an initial version of the 802.11 overview that I hope to present next Saturday in Japan: <>.

Thanks to several of you who contributed their slides to me, which I've re-used to form this version. As the presentation was becoming quite long, I've simplified some of the material, so I hope you don't mind.

I appreciate that there are likely to be several typos, so if you have time to review it that would be great. I also need to spend a little more time on editorial touches, such as consistent fonts and date / page numbers in the footers etc.

Following the Japan workshop, I will post a final version to the 802.11 presentation page and tidy up the older ones already there: <>. Thanks.

Kind regards


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