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[STDS-802-11-EDITORS] 802.11 numbering spreadsheet - it's TGaq's turn

--- This message came from the IEEE 802.11 Editors' Reflector ---

Hello Dan,


It’s time now for you to get your data into the numbering spreadsheet,  and adjust your numbering

according to any errors you see.


The spreadsheet is here:


Your goal is to provide in the TGaq columns for clause/figure/table/equation,  an entry for each

such object,  and for that entry to be in the right vertical position.


Don’t rely on your current numbering to determine the correct vertical position,  but look at

the context of the standard and your preceding amendments to determine it.    Once you’ve selected

a vertical position,  it is hard to be critical of it,  so it is doubly important you start with the correct



I will later use vertical position to calculate any pending changes.


You have essentially two choices:

1.       A reference to an existing subclause.    Put the number you use for that subclause in the existing row and TGaq column.

2.       A new subclause,   insert a blank row where the insertion goes,  but allow properly for your preceding amendments.


I recommend you take these steps:

1.       Document what you currently have in the TGaq column.  You will realise that a lot of the numbers are wrong.  It doesn’t matter.

2.       Return the SS to me.  I will add a “pending changes” column with calculated numbering based on the vertical positions.

3.       I will post the SS.

4.       You get the SS again and edit your draft with the pending changes.

5.       You edit the SS and create a new column for the new version and hand it back to me.

6.       I calculate the pending changes,  which should be empty or nearly so,  and post the SS.


I expect this to take you a day,  and it takes me ~2 hours to calculate the pending changes.


This is a new function for you,  and far from trivial.   If the above is not clear,  I will arrange a training session.


Best Regards,




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ç please note new number


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