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[STDS-802-11-REG] OFCOM TVWS event to be streamed live 5:00-10:00 EDT April 26th



Please note that the proceedings of the Ofcom event on the 26th will be streamed live at


A copy of the workshop agenda will be available at the above link prior to the workshop (currently you can see a view of the Thames).

If you plan to follow the proceedings via the stream, could you please confirm your attendance via e-mail to TV.WhiteSpaces@xxxxxxxxxxxx .


Please forward to others who might be interested in this event.





P.S. Apologies if you receive multiple copies of the invitation.


The event will comprise of two sessions.


Morning session


The first session will be introduced by Ofcom’s Chief Executive Ed Richards.  The focus will be a strategic overview of implementing access to white spaces in the UK: how to bring this about and the opportunities and issues raised.  We will present our overall approach to implementing access to white spaces, and there will be a number of presentations from industry followed by a panel discussion.


Afternoon session


In the second session we will set out our plans to run a pilot of the operation of devices in white spaces this year.  The pilot is expected to implement the framework presented in our November 2012 consultation, although some aspects of the framework may be modified to accelerate the setting up of the pilot.


Expressions of interest in participating in the pilot


We are also keen to understand the likely level of interest in the proposed pilot.  Although we recognise that any _expression_ of interest at this stage would depend on the details of the pilot, we would be grateful if you could let us know whether you intend to participate in the pilot (as a white space device provider, a database provider or both).


Event details


Date: Friday 26 April 2013

Arrival: 09:30

Morning session: 10:00 to 12:35

Lunch: 12:35 to 13:15

Afternoon session: 13:15 to 15:00

Venue: Ofcom, Riverside House, 2a Southwark Bridge Road, London SE1 9HA


To register your interest please complete the registration form attached and reply to TV.WhiteSpaces@xxxxxxxxxxxx by no later than Tuesday 23 April.


Yours sincerely


Mark Caines

Director of Spectrum Policy




:: Professor Reza Karimi
   Technical Policy Director
   +44 (0) 20 798 13567 (office)
   +44 (0) 79 775 62692 (mobile)
:: Ofcom
   Riverside House
   2a Southwark Bridge Road
   London SE1 9HA
   020 7981 3000




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