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[STDS-802-11-REG] May 13 PM3 notes

802.11 REG SC May 13, 2013

Called to order at 19:35 HST

      May 9

          Assign a recording secretary

          Administrative items

        Required notices


          Approve meeting and teleconference minutes

          The regulatory summaries

          Action items and issues

          The NPRM FCC 13-22 response

          Coexistence with ITS / DSRC

          Response to Ofcom consultation “Licence Exempt spectrum use in the 2400 MHz band”


Chair called the meeting to order at 19:34 HST

          Peter Ecclesine (Cisco Systems) is appointed recording secretary

          11-13/456r0 is agenda for this session

          Eldad asks how does 802.18 schedule relate to 802.11 REG schedule. Chair displays his Session calendar.

          Agenda approved unanimously

          Chair read administrative items (slides 4-8)

Motion #1 approve minutes since March Orlando Plenary, including 5 teleconferences

Mover Peter Ecclesine     2nd Lee Armstrong

20 0 0 Motion Passes

Chair reviews North American regulatory situation (slide 11)

John Kenney (Toyota) asks if the FCC 13-22 reply comment date is published, chair will look into it.

Chair reviews European Regulatory situation (slide 12)

Chair has no regulatory summary for Asia

Chair reads slide 14 about NPRM FCC 13-22

Support both (p19 line 4 and p38 end of section ‘B’) Vinko Erceg sentence insertions. Replace cognitive with “sensing” in p13 use “Sensing radio technology can be designed”, delete “cognitive” from footnote 8 “cognitive spectrum sensing is”.

Andrew Myles (Cisco) has issues with pages 40 (last sentence) and page 41 about soft APs. After muc discussion, Recommend studying the option for a low power mode on DFS channels. ß

P40 “In addition, we recommend studying the option for a low power mode on DFS channels, meaning, devices that do not support DFS, will be able to operate on DFS channels, with power limitation. 

P41 “For that reason, IEEE 802.11 recommends studying a low power mode exemption for DFS.” Andrew recommends removing the two sentences or bring a study showing coexistence across the bands.

John Kenney goes through his email making eight points.

Points 1-2 are fine. Points 3 through 6 are heard. We added Dick Roy’s change to point 6 text and that is controversial. We request Dick to make his points on page 45 “DSRC protection is the new problem to be resolved in this proceeding  ”and accept John’s point 6 proposal.

Point 7 is p48 third from last sentence replacement. No dispute heard. Dick Roy adds that DSRC will use handhelds for safety message reception, there will both be in the same platform or handheld. Delete “U-NII-3 and” from the sentence.

Point 8 Proposes to strike “for the protection “of DSRC or” of radar in the band, and relocate the final two sentences to somewhere else more related to protecting radar, like the middle of page 45.


We aim for PM2 to complete the discussion and emails, then see a draft in PM3 Tuesday

Chair recesses the meeting at 21:26 HST.


Peter Ecclesine, Technology Analyst

MS SJ-14-4 170 West Tasman Dr, San Jose, CA 95134-1706

Ph 408/527-0815, FAX 408/525-9256

"Time doesn't fool around."  "Without Prejudice" U.C.C. 1-207





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