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[STDS-802-11-REG] Today's Not Good News


I just saw this:
Wheeler pushes incentive auction back to 2015 
Federal Communications Commission Chairman Tom Wheeler said Friday that the agency has pushed back its auction of broadcast airwaves for wireless spectrum to the middle of 2015, saying it is more important to get it right than to get it done quickly. The FCC originally had set mid-2014 as its target date. "I am also confident that the policy challenges are only part of the picture; we must also get the enabling technology right," Wheeler wrote in a blog post. Most Washington insiders supported the move. "I commend Chairman Wheeler for his efforts to advance this important proceeding and his commitment to conducting this critical auction by middle of 2015," CTIA-The Wireless Association® President Steve Largent said in a statement. Politico (Washington, D.C.) (12/9),Broadcasting & Cable (12/6), The Wall Street Journal (tiered subscription model)/Dow Jones Newswires (12/6)

It looks like another delay for 802.11af.

Rich Kennedy
(832) 298-1114

IEEE 802.11 P802.11af (WLAN in White Spaces) Chair
IEEE 802.11 Regulatory SC Chair
IEEE 802.11/18 Liaison

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