We will be having a DSRC Coexistence Tiger Team call tomorrow (Friday, September 5th) at the usual time (1PM EDT).
Agenda slides have been posted on Mentor:
There will be a presentation by John Kenney of Toyota, which has also been posted on Mentor:
Meeting minutes have been posted for the August 8th call:
as well as the August 15th call:
Thanks to Bill Check of NCTA for doing these minutes.
Speak with you tomorrow.
WebEx meeting details:
REG SC DSRC Tiger Team
When: Occurs every
Friday effective 7/25/2014 until 8/28/2014 from 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM (UTC-05:00)
Eastern Time (US & Canada).
Where: WebEx
Note: The GMT offset above does not reflect daylight saving time adjustments.
WebEx conference call reservation for DSRC Coexistence Tiger Team calls, which
operates under the IEEE 802.11 Regulatory Standing Committee
Agenda will be posted to IEEE document server (Mentor) prior to the meeting as
an 802.11 REG SC document.
Rich Kennedy, 802.11 REG SC Chair, is the alternate chair for these calls if I
am unable to attend.
Jim Lansford invites you to an online meeting using WebEx.
Meeting ID/Number: 956 003 412
Meeting Password: REG-DSRC
To join this meeting (Now from mobile devices!)
1. Go to
2. If requested, enter your name and email address.
3. If a password is required, enter the meeting password: REG-DSRC
4. Click "Join".
5. Follow the instructions that appear on your screen.
Audio conference information
1. Provide your number when you join the meeting to receive a call back.
Alternatively, you can call one of the following numbers:
Internal: 22-66
UK: 44-1223-692266
US: 1-408-5234266
China: 86-21-28981566
Taiwan: 886-2-21759266
Japan: 81-3-64037166
Singapore: 65-6827-0536
Korea: 82-2-6444-2066
India: 91-80-2518-3266
Israel: 972-4-854-6185
Germany: 49-761-59521166
2. Follow the instructions that you hear on the phone.
Your Cisco Unified MeetingPlace meeting ID: 956 003 412
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