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[STDS-802-11-REG] FW: Death Watch: The Beginning of the End for Multilateration Location and Monitoring Service?


This relates to the M-LMS licenses in the US 900 MHz unlicensed band, the
FCC is finally getting more pointed in addressing these licenses and the
lack of actual build out of systems.


John Notor
President/Chief Technologist
Notor Research

Mobile: 1.408.316.8312


On 11/3/14, 8:46 AM, "Laura Stefani" <stefani@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

>The Wireless Bureau has served notice on M-LMS licensees: Build out your
>systems by newly announced deadlines or lose your licenses.
>View the entire entry:
>Laura A. Stefani
>1300 N. 17th Street, Suite 1100 | Arlington, VA 22209
>Tel: 703.812.0400 or 703.812.0450 (direct) | 202.445.3518 (cell)
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