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[STDS-802-11-REG] FCC NPRM related to backup power for communications networks


I haven’t read the entire NPRM, but there are issues here which may affect IEEE 802.

ENSURING CUSTOMER PREMISES EQUIPMENT BACKUP POWER FOR CONTINUITY OF COMMUNICATIONS; TECHNOLOGY TRANSITIONS; POLICIES AND RULES GOVERNING RETIREMENT OF COPPER LOOPS BY INCUMBENT LOCAL EXCHANGE CARRIERS; ET AL.   Proposed to strengthen public safety, pro-consumer, and pro-competition policies and protections appropriately for technology transitions underway; clarified that where carrier offers a service to the public, its service is defined in a functional manner. (Dkt No.  RM-10593 13-5 05-25 RM-11358 14-174 ). Action by:  the Commission. Adopted:  11/21/2014 by NPRM. (FCC No. 14-185).  WCB


John Notor
President/Chief Technologist
Notor Research

Mobile: 1.408.316.8312


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