[STDS-802-11-REG] DSRC Coexistence Tiger Team - 9 January 2015
Greetings all,
We will have a call this week, and will continue reviewing and editing the the straw poll questions. I do not have a tentative email list, but will work on that before the next call. There is not a new agenda deck, but will we will resume where we were with the previous slide deck (document 14/1608r0), and I'll post a revision when we are done.
A reminder that comment collection is currently open on the draft final report (document 14/1596r0) and the deadline is January 9 at midnight Eastern time (GMT-5).
Note that next week is IEEE meeting week, so we will not have a call next week. I will be assembling the comments and we will be working on comment resultion before the next call, tentatively scheduled for January 30 (I am unavailable January 23rd). I have also received a section that addresses European issues (thanks to Paul Spaanderman et al), and I will fold that into the draft as well.
Best regards,
Jim Lansford
Fellow, Global Standards
CSR Technology, Inc.
Adjunct Professor, Interdisciplinary Telecommunications Program
University of Colorado - Boulder
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