A few responses inline.
-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Hamilton [
Sent: Wednesday, January 20, 2016 12:29 AM
To: STDS-802-11-TGAK@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [STDS-802-11-TGAK] 11-15/931r9 uploaded
Hi, Donald, all,
Probably too late, but I have the following concerns:
- CID 40: By saying only an AP can transmit a SYNRA, we have not solved the problem of an AP sending such a SYNRA to a relay STA. (At least I don't think we've eliminated that.) Is the intention that the relay STA should be able to process all the SYNRA
indication bits for any downstream clients attached to the relay, and translate this frame transmission into serial unicast to each/all of them? I suspect that is possible, but I also suspect it is more work than most relays are expected to handle currently.
Might be worth checking with experts on the relays, if you haven't already.
[DSK] No, the intention is that the GLK AP must do serial unicast, at least to the relay Clients, and so excludes them from any SYNRA bitmap.
Not only would SYNRA replication by Relay require more knowledge/functionality from Relay to replicate, but serializing from Relay would break duplicate detection, and
is not possible because encryption is from AP to Client vs AP to Relay.
Lets make sure the changes discussed yesterday are referenced in the comment resolution.
- CID 71: Two comments on this resolution: 1) I don't understand the comment that "11ad is sufficiently transparent that EPD/LPD is irrelevant." I can agree (perhaps) that the relay is (should be) transparent. But, how does the transmitter know whether
the end station on the other side of the relay) is EPD or LPD?
[DSK] Looks like the relay is just forwarding the frame downstream, which was encrypted by AP and is decrypted by Client STA, so the Relay can't convert even if it knew.
We will remove the EPD bit from Relay, and that is an attribute negotiated between AP and Client.
2) The change to 9.43 seems to be saying that we will never use SYNRA if there are relays in the network (?). Or, maybe only if a relay is in the path to one of the end stations included in this particular SYNRA (?).
[DSK] I'd be happy to require serial unicast only for Clients through a relay, allowing SYNRA as an option to other STA.
Can we clarify which? Also, I'm not sure how to relate this to the change in CID 40. So, SYNRA cannot be used when transmitting to a relay - but we seem to have rejected saying that in clause 4...?
- CID 431: A nit, but I think we (WG11) are generally trying not to use "if and only if" language, but to list out as "if ... and not otherwise". You could check with Adrian.
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, January 19, 2016 4:59 AM
Subject: [STDS-802-11-TGAK] 11-15/931r9 uploaded
An r9 of 11-15/931 has been uploaded. The resolutions in that spreadsheet of CIDs up through and including CID 431, except CID CID 208, were discussed and in some cases modified yesterday. The intent is to motion those resolutions at the evening TGak session
Donald E. Eastlake 3rd +1-508-333-2270 (cell)
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