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[STDS-802-11-TGAX] Resolution to CID 24457

Hello All,


We spent much time discussing proposed resolutions to CID 24457.


The CID is rejected in


Two SPs were conducted during the teleconference:


SP #1:   Do you accept to resolve CID 24457 as Revised and change the following text:

At 49.16 change "the 5 to 7.125 GHz bands" [sic] to "the 5 and 6 GHz bands”


SP: Y/N/A: 11/2/8


SP#2:     Do you accept to resolve CID 24457 as Revised and change the following text:

             At 2.2 and 3.12 change "operation in frequency bands between 1 GHz and 7.125 GHz"

to "operation in certain frequency bands between 1 GHz and 7.125 GHz".

At 49.11 change "operates in frequency bands between 1 GHz and 7.125 GHz"

to "operates in the 2.4, 5 and 6 GHz bands".

At 49.16 change "the 5 to 7.125 GHz bands" [sic] to "the 5 and 6 GHz bands”

SP: Y/N/A: 2/7/6


It seems to be there is a good agreement on implementing SP1 resolution. To avoid another length discussion I suggest we accept SP #1  as the resolution to CID 24457.


Please let me know you thoughts.




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