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[STDS-802-11-TGAX] CID 24019

Hi Liwen, Po-Kai, Mark,


Thank you for the discussion on CID 24019 during this morning’s 11ax call.


How about we generalized the text as follows:


A non-AP HE STA shall consider subset of eligible RUs that fall within its operating BW.


This will cover all cases. I noticed (RU restrictions for 20 MHz operation) and (RU restrictions for 80 MHz operation) specify action on the AP side. Therefore, those references may not be appropriate. Instead (20 MHz operating non-AP HE STAs) and 26.8.7 (HE subchannel selective transmission) would be better alternatives if someone really wants to provide any references. 26.8.7 covers 80 MHz operation.


Could you please let me know if you have additional feedback or suggestions?



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