Task Group AY is scheduled for the following five time slots during the September 2016 interim, in Warsaw:
[1] Monday AM2
[2] Tuesday AM2
[3] Wednesday AM1
[3] Thursday AM2
[4] Thursday PM2
Please let me know if you plan any submission, and make sure your
submission is available on Mentor before Monday AM2 and is ready to be
Further, there are one outstanding proposal on TG documents
that has been presented in the last face-to-face meeting in July:
[a] 15/1150r6, Channel models for IEEE 802.11ay
If any member, including the TG document lead, has any
contribution/comment to these documents, please also make sure your
input is available on Mentor before Monday AM2.
Further, contributions that describe different functional blocks with
the intention to be included in the TG specification framework document
will also be solicited in Warsaw. You would refer to the latest version
of the specification framework document 15/1358r5 for reference if you
would like to propose text to be inserted into the document.
If you wish to be removed from this reflector, do not send your request to this reflector - it will have no effect.