[STDS-802-11-TGBC] Reminder TGbc Telco, Tue Nov 26, 10.00h
just a reminder that per IEEE calendar, we have a TGbc telco later today. We Use IEEE WebEx
Webex meeting: <a href="https://ieee802.my.webex.com/ieee802.my/j.php?MTID=mb524bef28fdeb8a9ef5a3c00280803a6">Join</a>
Meeting number: 796 463 810
Meeting password: wireless
Join by phone:
+1-510-338-9438 USA Toll
+44-20-3198-8144 UK Toll
Access code: 796 463 810
The agenda is online: https://mentor.ieee.org/802.11/dcn/19/11-19-2109-00-00bc-november-26-2019-tgbc-telco-agenda.pptx
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