Hello Dibakar
Thanks for sharing the contribution and your thought for the questions from Rojan below.
I have a few more my understanding:
Based on your contribution, it seems that P2P transmission is initiated by AP. Is it correct? On the other hand, STA may initiate P2P transmission by requesting the permission to AP. If so, can your contribution address that?
Even though, you are focusing on data transmission aspect, it is important for AP to know the intention for P2P transmission from STA(s) with that capability. Otherwise, the resource(s) may be wasted.
Peer STA may not know the channel between it and other STA for P2P transmission. In slide 6, there is a designation for “ Data from peer STA to other peer”. Can this include the frame exchanges for channel estimation?
I am supportive of this concept, but we need further solid thought for missing parts.
Best regards,
Hi Rojan,
Thank you for reviewing the document and the valuable feedback. Please see my response inline below.
rojan.chitrakar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <rojan.chitrakar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, June 9, 2020 6:43 PM
To: Das, Dibakar <dibakar.das@xxxxxxxxx>;
Subject: RE: Clarification question on 813r0
Hi Dibakar,
Thanks for sharing. Few questions:
1) Slide 6: Why is the TBD response frame from peer STA required? Doesn’t the subsequent Data frame suffice? Why is this different from the case of TB PPDUs?
[DD: We were thinking of (a) having a clear signaling to the AP about whether the allocation is going to be used and (b) maintain the 11ax TB operation
principle where STA responds in SIFS time to the triggering AP. The mechanism may also work without the Ack part in which case the AP can recover after PIFS if it does not detect energy in medium but that may not be as clean. If there is a huge objection,
we can take this part out in next revision until we have more discussion offline.]
2) Slide 6: can you elaborate the sentence “Peer STA uses the allocation
for any purpose including peer-to-peer communication.”? E.g. can the allocation be used for uplink transmissions to the AP? I think this will complicate the procedure since now the AP is unsure what to expect.
[DD: We were thinking that the purpose of the TF was simply to grant resource to the peer STA and note that the peer STA is free to transmit any type
of frame in that time. Clearly, this does not work if peer STA transmits HE/EHT TB PPDU to AP but works if the peer simply transmits regular SU packets to the AP. However, since the focus of this submission is P2P communication, I agree to remove this text
in next revision.]
3) The contribution doesn’t address the issue of how the AP knows when to share the TXOP for the peer STAs. In fact how is the AP even aware of the existence of P2P STAs in the
BSS? E.g. TDLP setup frames are transparent to the AP since they are encapsulated in Data frames. Also, BSR reports will likely need special consideration for P2P traffic, right?
[DD: We were trying to focus on just the main feature of frame exchange and did not bring the other discussions here. However, we think only the following
are needed beyond whats captured in the slides:
Basic capability exchange: during association, STA and AP discover each others’ TB P2P capability. We perhaps do not need to say anything about how the P2P STAs find each other as that can be a proprietary or non-IEEE protocol.
Dynamic resource-request: In general, something equivalent to BSR may be all we need. This can be as simple as using a frame whose QoS Ctrl field has TID > 7 or a new A-Ctrl field at worst. However, we don’t think this is very critical since the usage of BSR
is optional in 11ax as well. The AP may as well have an internal scheduling algorithm that allocates resource to P2P STA by observing history of past transmissions without defining new signaling in the spec. There are also other existing things in spec, such
as TSPEC with Direction subfield set to “01”, that can be used by some implementations to signal P2P traffic.]
I am supportive of the use case but I think it is important to address #3 as well before we can decide whether this is really as simple as portraited.
[DD: Thank you for the support on the use-case. Please let us know if issue #3 is addressed.]
Hi Dibakar,
Thanks for sharing. Few questions:
1) Slide 6: Why is the TBD response frame from peer STA required? Doesn’t the subsequent Data frame suffice? Why is this different from the case of TB PPDUs?
2) Slide 6: can you elaborate the sentence “Peer STA uses the allocation
for any purpose including peer-to-peer communication.”? E.g. can the allocation be used for uplink transmissions to the AP? I think this will complicate the procedure since now the AP is unsure what to expect.
3) The contribution doesn’t address the issue of how the AP knows when to share the TXOP for the peer STAs. In fact how is the AP even aware of the existence of P2P STAs in the
BSS? E.g. TDLP setup frames are transparent to the AP since they are encapsulated in Data frames. Also, BSR reports will likely need special consideration for P2P traffic, right?
I am supportive of the use case but I think it is important to address #3 as well before we can decide whether this is really as simple as portraited.
Hi Stephane and others,
We also think that the Triggered P2P is a very useful feature for supporting P2P applications and improving the overall QoS performance of the BSS in 11be. In order to achieve this
in Release 1 without significant spec additions and delaying the timeline, we have uploaded a presentation
11-20-871r1 proposing very simple Trigger based P2P operation. Overall, our thoughts seem to be aligned with what Stephane has. The main features are following:
Limit scope of trigger based P2P for just the cases where the peer STA is associated to triggering AP (slide 5). This is then similar to TDLS use-cases.
To simplify AP’s channel access mechanism, allocate either the entire TXOP to a P2P STA or the rest of the TXOP to a peer STA.
Please review offline and share your views.
Hi Dibakar,
I see your point, and I agree not to limit the mechanism to the cascading.
I also clarify that at least in R1, the scheduled station is associated to the AP (even if its peer is potentially outside of the BSS)
So I propose to amend my SP text as follow.
“Do you support that 11be defines a procedure for an AP to share a part of the obtained TXOP for peer-to-peer (STA-to-STA) frame exchanges by signaling an RU for P2P communication
in a trigger frame, the “UL Length” field specifying the allocated time for the peer to peer communication, and the RU being allocated to a non-AP STA associated to the AP?
Note: The trigger frame may be included in a cascading sequence.”
Best regards.
Hi Stephane,
Thank you for providing the clarification below on the cascade sequence.
At a high-level, we are supportive of this overall simplified sequence for R1 as it requires minimal change in spec while significantly improving medium efficiency and potentially
reducing peak latency. Based on the discussion below though we suggest revising the SP text to allow both cascade and non-cascade sequence.
Preferably we will like to remove reference to the Cascade sequence altogether since its more of an implementation choice at AP. We can perhaps instead focus on limiting the scope
of the triggered P2P in R1 (e.g., limit only to associated peer STA,…). What do you think ?
Hi Ross,
Thank you for your question.
I think this up to the AP to include the TF triggering with a P2P RU in a cascading sequence or not.
So yes, a simplified sequence as you mention is possible.
However, I think that including a TF for P2P transmission in a cascading sequence provides additional benefits:
- The AP have more flexibility to share a TxOp for UL, DL, or P2P.
- By using additional information like a “More TF” information, a P2P station can avoid immediate ack from its peer (and then save multiple SIFS overhead) if it is confident that another opportunity will come later
in the same TxOp (for instance another time slot allocated to the other peer).
So, to me, the TF triggering a P2P transmission can be in or out of the scope of a cascading sequence, but have more benefits in a cascading sequence.
Best regards.
Hi Stephane,
Thanks for preparing the contribution. Could you clarify if the whole (not part of) TXOP can be shared to the triggered P2P transmission
or not? In other words, does it have to be combined with MU cascading sequence in slide 4? How about a simple procedure like this?
PS: I usually attend PHY calls, so may not have the chance to ask questions after your presentation. That’s why I send the clarification
question here in advance. Thanks.
Ross Yu
Huawei Technologies
Hi Alfred,
Can you please add the following contribution to the list:
- 11-20/0813r0 : triggered p2p transmissions follow up (Stephane Baron, Canon), MAC
: Medium Access
Best regards.
From: Alfred Asterjadhi <asterjadhi@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent: dimanche 10 mai 2020 20:14
To: STDS-802-11-TGBE@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [STDS-802-11-TGBE] TGbe Conf Calls [May-July 2020]: Call For Submissions
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- DCN-Presentation Title (Author, Affiliation), Topic
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be included in the list.
PS - There is no need to send an additional request for contributions that are already present in the conf call queue
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Qualcomm Technologies Inc.
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