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[STDS-802-11-TGBE] 802.11 ARC telecon on Aug 27, 10am ET



I am announcing the next 802.11 ARC SC teleconference, for AUG 27 (Thurdsday) from 10:00 am to 12:00 (noon) ET.


NOTE THAT THIS IS IN THREE WEEKS, NOT IN TWO WEEKS as discussed on the ARC call today, because TGbe’s morning/evening alternating cadence skipped next week’s “holiday/vacation/summer-time week”, so there is a TGbe call on Aug 20 in the morning.  (I intend to align the ARC calls on the TGbe topic to continue to be in the mornings, on the alternate days when TGbe’s calls are in the evenings, as we did today.)


The agenda will be a continuation of today’s call, on TGbe architecture and reference model concepts.  Details will be announced soon, along with call-in details.  Please let me know if anyone has a contribution to be added to the agenda, beyond the two carried-over from today’s call:


Again, my thanks to the TGbe experts who are willing to devote more teleconference time, to working through these concepts!



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