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Re: [STDS-802-11-TGBE] Comments on 11-20-1395-00-00be-pdt-mac-mlo-multi-link-channel-access-general-non-str



regarding your comment that the NSTR limitations on CTS response are not applicable when the responding STA is for example, a VHT STA

by definition, we usually require that a new amendment STA, e.g. EHT STA, incorporates previous STA functionality for backwards compatibility purposes
e.g. I expect that an EHT STA will be required to be a VHT STA as well

given this, if the paragraphs that refer to VHT STA are not to apply to an EHT STA, then those paragraphs probably need modification throughout the draft, example:

wherever it says "A VHT STA shall...." would need to be modified to "A VHT STA that is not an EHT STA shall...."
and even that is not correct, as an EHT STA that is for example, associated with a VHT AP is still an EHT STA, but now we want it to follow VHT STA rules and maybe some EHT rules as well.

but we have never done this in the past and I do not expect that we will do it now either, so all of the language that refers to VHT STA should still be applicable to EHT STAs

I believe that it is much simpler to do what I have done, which is to add another condition which has a null outcome for a non-EHT STA


regarding the exact definition of NSTR MLD

I am not certain where the definition is, but it should be something like:

STR MLD - an MLD that has no NSTR limitations
NSTR MLD - an MLD that is not an STR MLD

an NSTR MLD might have some link sets which are STR and some that are NSTR
as long as there is one link set with NSTR, then the MLD is NSTR and then correctly crafted language to describe the behavior for transmissions to and from the NSTR MLD can be written, but must refer to the NSTR link sets, and not just the NSTR MLD itself

i.e. one cannot write a rule for STR MLD transmission behavior toward an NSTR MLD without becoming more specific as to which particular links the transmission(s) are occurring

that is the approach that is taken in this document

Matthew Fischer
Nice Guy
Broadcom Inc.
+1 408 543 3370 office

On Wed, Sep 2, 2020 at 7:47 PM Hanseul Hong <hhs0811@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Matthew,

Thanks for uploading the PDT for non-STR channel access.

Please see my comments in the attached file

Thank you

Best Regards
Hanseul Hong

2020년 9월 3일 (목) 오전 11:26, Liuming Lu <lu.liuming@xxxxxxxxxx>님이 작성:

Hi Matthew,

Thanks for the preparation for the pdt-mac-mlo-multi-link-channel-access-general-non-str.

I have some comments. Please see the attached file.

Best Regards,

Liuming Lu

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