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Re: [STDS-802-11-TGBE] List of TGbe Motions For October 29th of October 2020

Hi Alfred,


Could you please add the following contribution in the Joint queue?


11-20-1669-00-00be-spatial-stream-allocation-in-trigger-frames, Mengshi Hu (Huawei)



Best regards,

Mengshi Hu

Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd.



发件人: Alfred Asterjadhi [mailto:asterjadhi@xxxxxxxxx]
发送时间: 20201019 1:27
收件人: STDS-802-11-TGBE@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
主题: [STDS-802-11-TGBE] List of TGbe Motions For October 29th of October 2020


Hello all,


This is an advanced notification that TGbe will run motions during the Joint teleconference scheduled on Thursday 29th of October 2020 at 10:00am ET.


Please refer to the document linked below for a list of all the motions (starting from slide 40)  that will be run during the Oct 29th Joint conference call:


Let me know if you have any questions.


Best Regards,



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