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Re: [STDS-802-11-TGBE] TGbe Teleconferences [11/02/2020 and 11/04/2020]: Agenda Updated

Hi Alfred,


Could you please help add 4 SPs from doc 11-20/702r1 to the 11be MAC agenda?



From: Alfred Asterjadhi <asterjadhi@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, November 3, 2020 9:02 AM
To: STDS-802-11-TGBE@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [STDS-802-11-TGBE] TGbe Teleconferences [11/02/2020 and 11/04/2020]: Agenda Updated


CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization.

Hello all,


I uploaded a revised version of the agenda for tomorrow's meeting, which includes a link to the most recent version of the Motions List.


The document also contains the tentative agendas for the PHY and MAC call and as can be seen PHY has finished going over all contributions in their queues. Currently there are only deferred submissions, for which the authors have indicated that they do not plan to present during the Thursday conf call. 


Hence, if you have a contribution that you would like to present during the Thursday PHY meeting please send me an e-mail by tomorrow Wednesday 8:00am ET. If i receive no submission by that deadline then the PHY conf call of Thursday 05 Nov 2020 will be cancelled. Please refer to the guideline below:


PS 2: Guidelines for future scheduled PHY conf calls:

·  Every time the agenda is sent the TG chair will ask if there are any submissions requests to be added to the PHY submissions queue. Requests can be regarding new submissions or regarding submissions with deferred SPs.

·  Requests may explicitly indicate if the requestor prefers to discuss his/her submission at a particular PHY conf call. If there is no such explicit indication then the submission will be added by default to the PHY submissions queue and will be scheduled for presentation in a subsequent PHY conference call during which there are at least 3 submissions available for discussion.

·  A scheduled PHY conference call will be cancelled if the planned PHY agenda for that particular conference call does not have queued at least 3 presentations or at least one presentation with an explicit request. The cancellation notice in this case will be sent at least 24 hours in advance. 





On Sun, Nov 1, 2020 at 11:10 AM Alfred Asterjadhi <asterjadhi@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hello all,


I uploaded an updated version of the agendas, which contains the agenda for the next conference calls, scheduled on Monday, November 02 (MAC/PHY), 19:00-21:00 ET and Wednesday 04 (Joint), 09:00-11:00 ET.


The agendas can be found here:


For Monday (ET):

Join the MAC meeting here: Meeting number: 173 905 7145 Meeting password: wireless (94735377 from phones and video systems)

Join the PHY meeting here: Meeting number: 173 667 6293 Meeting password: wireless (94735377 from phones and video systems)  


For Wednesday (ET):

Join the JOINT meeting here: Meeting number: 173 524 9178 Meeting password: wireless (94735377 from phones and video systems)    



PS 1: As per the updated TGbe teleconference guidelines please note the following:

1.      A member can request for a submission that was presented in the past to be added to the following item of the agenda: Technical Submissions: Run SPs from Previous Topics.

a.       The request needs to be sent to the TGbe  reflector at least 24-hours prior to the start of the respective conference call.

b.       The document containing the SP(s) to be run shall be posted in the server at least 24-hours in advance prior to running the SP(s)

2.      Similar considerations for requests to be added to the following item of the agenda: Technical Submissions: Proposed Draft Text (PDTs) for fixings TBDs


PS 2: Guidelines for future scheduled PHY conf calls:

·         Every time the agenda is sent the TG chair will ask if there are any submissions requests to be added to the PHY submissions queue. Requests can be regarding new submissions or regarding submissions with deferred SPs.

·         Requests may explicitly indicate if the requestor prefers to discuss his/her submission at a particular PHY conf call. If there is no such explicit indication then the submission will be added by default to the PHY submissions queue and will be scheduled for presentation in a subsequent PHY conference call during which there are at least 3 submissions available for discussion.

·         A scheduled PHY conference call will be cancelled if the planned PHY agenda for that particular conference call does not have queued at least 3 presentations or at least one presentation with an explicit request. The cancellation notice in this case will be sent at least 24 hours in advance. 


Please let me know if you have any questions and/or clarifications.


Best Regards,




Alfred Asterjadhi, PhD

IEEE802.11 TGbe Chair,

Qualcomm Technologies Inc.

Cell #:    +1 858 263 9445

Office #: +1 858 658 5302



Alfred Asterjadhi, PhD

IEEE802.11 TGbe Chair,

Qualcomm Technologies Inc.

Cell #:    +1 858 263 9445

Office #: +1 858 658 5302

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