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Re: [STDS-802-11-TGBE] TGbe Teleconferences [11/30/2020 AND 12/02/2020]: Agendas Posted

Hi all,


We have revised the slide deck on QoS signaling to r5. The high-level ideas remain the same as what we presented in r4. However, instead of basing the QoS signaling on ADDTS, we prefer to now use SCS.

The main advantage being SCS is more light-weight than ADDTS and hence is more flexible to meet the next gen QoS needs.

Please review and let us know any comments.





From: Cavalcanti, Dave <dave.cavalcanti@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, December 1, 2020 8:13 AM
To: STDS-802-11-TGBE@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [STDS-802-11-TGBE] TGbe Teleconferences [11/30/2020 AND 12/02/2020]: Agendas Posted


Hi Alfred,


Can you please include the deferred contribution 1350r2 (Enhancements for QoS and low latency in 802.11be R1) back into the MAC agenda?






From: Alfred Asterjadhi <asterjadhi@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Sunday, November 29, 2020 12:07 PM
To: STDS-802-11-TGBE@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [STDS-802-11-TGBE] TGbe Teleconferences [11/30/2020 AND 12/02/2020]: Agendas Posted


Hello all,


I uploaded an updated version of the agendas, which contains the agenda for the next conference calls, scheduled on Monday, November 30 (MAC/PHY), 19:00-22:00 ET and Wednesday, December 02 (JOINT), 10:00-12:00 ET.


The agendas can be found here:


Meeting number: 173 613 7112 

Meeting password: wireless (94735377 from phones and video systems) 


Meeting number: 173 852 2289 

Meeting password: wireless (94735377 from phones and video systems)  



Join the Webex JOINT meeting here:

Meeting number: 173 080 6337 Meeting password: wireless (94735377 from phones and video systems)  



PS: I also updated the TGbe teleconference guidelines to clarify the following:

1.      A member can request for a submission that was presented in the past to be added to the following item of the agenda: Technical Submissions: Run SPs from Previous Topics.

a.       The request needs to be sent to the TGbe  reflector at least 24-hours prior to the start of the respective conference call.

b.       The document containing the SP(s) to be run shall be posted in the server at least 24-hours in advance prior to running the SP(s).


Please let me know if you have any questions and/or clarifications.


Best Regards,






Alfred Asterjadhi, PhD

IEEE802.11 TGbe Chair,

Qualcomm Technologies Inc.

Cell #:    +1 858 263 9445

Office #: +1 858 658 5302

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