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[STDS-802-11-TGBE] Request for agenda - A short editor's note to subclause (Multi-link element usage rules in the context of discovery)

Hi Alfred, Jeongki, Liwen,

Would you add 21/0290r0 (Editorial fixes to subclause 35.3.43) to the MAC ad-hoc agenda?

If possible, would you allocate 5 minutes at the beginning of the MAC ad-hoc call on Monday for me to present this editor's note?   There are a few paragraphs being unintentionally removed from this subclause when a PDT submission was rolled-in.   Because of this, I would like to provide the MAC ad-hoc an update to clarify that these paragraphs are removed by mistake and will be added back in D0.4 directly.

I expect to post my note to the server by the end of today.

Thanks and Regards,

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