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[STDS-802-11-TGBE] uploaded the CR for clause EHT-SIG content channels

Hi all,


I have uploaded the CR Doc(11-21/29r0) for clause EHT-SIG content channels


It includes following 21 CIDs

1379, 1380, 1381, 1382, 1383, 1384, 1385, 1386, 1387, 1389, 1390, 1391, 1393, 1993, 1994, 2127, 2173, 2174, 2670, 2681, 2732, 2733, 2734, 2806, 2807, 2808, 3050, 3051, 3052, 3053, and 3159


please feel free to give your feedback.



Best regards,





Dongguk Lim

Chief Technology Officer IoT Connectivity Standard Task/Professional

LG Electronics Inc

19, Yangjae-daero 11-gil, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Korea

M.82-10-8996-4690  E.dongguk.lim@xxxxxxx



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