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Re: [STDS-802-11-TGBE] PDT for Effect of CH_BANDWIDTH parameter on PPDU format

Hi Yujin,

Two comments to Table 36-x2 in the PDT:
1. For the OFDMA case, do you need to refer to the 4-bit bitmap (B3-B6 of U-SIG-1) to be more specific?

2. Is there a need to split each CBW into the nonpunctured case and punctured case? Note that the non-OFDMA case includes the nonpunctured pattern. In the next spec draft which will incorporate resolved CIDs in the U-SIG subclause, the pattern '1111' would be added to the OFDMA case as well. So, the nonpunctured case is just a special case to the general _expression_ of the punctured pattern.

Best regards,
Alice Chen

On Mon, Apr 5, 2021 at 12:40 PM Yujin Noh <Yujin.Noh@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi all,


Attached please find the PDT for Effect of CH_BANDWIDTH parameter on PPDU format.


Based on the discussion last teleconference call, all the puncturing patterns for both non-OFDMA and OFDMA are included in INACTIVE_SUBCHANNELS parameter.

With this PDT to be approved, then one CID linked to this document would be ready.


Let me know if you have any comments and questions.




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