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Re: [STDS-802-11-TGBE] [PDT] Feedback Requested for PDT on TID-to-Link Mapping Negotiation

Hi Yongho,

please add Protected EHT Action field and make the TID-to-Link Mapping frames as robust management frames. 


On Apr 8, 2021, at 07:59, Arik Klein <arik.klein@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi Yongho,
Thanks for sharing the updated document.
Please review my comments (technical & Editorial) in the enclosed document.
From: Yongho Seok <yongho.seok@xxxxxxxxx> 
Sent: יום ג 30 מרץ 2021 00:30
To: STDS-802-11-TGBE@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [STDS-802-11-TGBE] [PDT] Feedback Requested for PDT on TID-to-Link Mapping Negotiation
Hello all, 
I upload the revised document based on the feedback that I received during the previous presentation and offline comment. 
Please let me know if you have any comments or feedback. 
2021 3 1 () 오후 12:44, Yongho Seok <yongho.seok@xxxxxxxxx>님이 작성:
Hello all, 
I have prepared the PDT on TID-to-Link Mapping Negotiation. 
Please let me know if you have any comments or feedback. 

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