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[STDS-802-11-TGBE] TGbe Teleconferences [05/06/2021]: Agenda Posted

Hello all,

I uploaded an updated version of the agendas, which contains the agenda for the next conference calls, scheduled on Thursday, May 06 (MAC/PHY), 10:00-12:00 ET.

The agendas can be found here:

Note 1: For MAC ad-hoc I prioritized submissions that contain both CRs and solve TBDs.

Note 2: Please review the submissions (in general all those expected to be discussed during the call and in particular all those expected to have SPs) in advance and provide feedback to the authors at least 24 hours in advance via e-mails to the reflector. 


Join the MAC meeting here: Meeting number: 129 813 5075 Meeting password: wireless (94735377 from phones and video systems)             

Join the PHY meeting here:
Meeting number: 129 271 6113 Meeting password: wireless (94735377 from phones and video systems)
Notice: Please note that by now all authors of the submissions for PDTs and CRs (especially MAC) should have sent requests for feedback to the IEEE TGbe reflector. Members are invited to provide feedback for these contributions prior to the conference call via e-mail so that the time in the conf calls is used efficiently. 

Best Regards,


Alfred Asterjadhi, PhD
IEEE802.11 TGbe Chair,
Qualcomm Technologies Inc.
Cell #:    +1 858 263 9445
Office #: +1 858 658 5302

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